Let’s go back a couple thousand years… When Jesus was first born, there was already someone trying to kill Him. Through His life we see people accusing Him of things and finally crucifying Him. They nailed him to a cross and watched him die. Later in the Bible, we read of a story about Thomas and his unbelief. He had to feel the scars of Jesus’ hands and side.
Funny thing about scars… they never go away. I think there are situations put in our lives for a specific purpose... situations that leave us broken and bruised and that leave us with scars. But every time we see those scars on our lives, we can be reminded that yes we went through something, but we came through it. The only way we get through this life and all of it’s troubles is with God.
Our lives may leave lacerations on us, we might have some cuts and bruises on us, but trials only come to make us stronger. In a way, God treats us like silver… a lot of work is put into silver. It’s put through fire and sifted until a reflection is seen in it. Much like our God that puts us through tests and trials to perfect us and make us stronger… puts us through the fire until He can see His reflection in us. Oh to be like Jesus…
The scars of our lives will always remain… but we can look at our scars in a different way now. When we see our scars, we can look to Jesus and see that He’s got scars matching ours. He knows every hurt, every pain, every scar… What we go through and what we feel, He already has… He knows exactly what we go through and He will never leave or forsake us.
I’m looking at the scars of my life differently… my scars are just another way that I look like my Father.