Monday, December 28, 2009

God of Wonders

Ever look around and think, "How'd all this get here?" Things we see everyday we pass up and don't even notice. Things that are unseen don't even occur to us. Do you ever think of all that God has made? He holds time in His hands, the entire world is His footstool. The stars and galaxies, heaven and earth, etc. It's an amazing thing that all things were spoken into existence by Him.

I've heard some people say, "If God is so wonderful, then why doesn't He work things out for me?" Well, God can and God will. He can do anything. His Word says to cast your problems on Him and He will take of you (Ps 55:22 NLT). If we would just pray and tell Him our problems and our situations, He would answer our prayer. He knows what we need before we even ask (Mt 6:8). So what do you need? What are you searching for? What kind of miracle do you need in your life?

I'm reminded of a story in Joshua. The children of Israel were about to cross over Jordan and take the city of Jericho. Joshua told them to sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you (Jsh 3:5). Before you can expect wonders, you must live right. Sanctify yourself, live the way God wants... not what you want. His will, not your own.

In the next chapter it tells of the priest who carried the Ark of God stood in the Jordan river and all the people crossed over. What stands out to me in this is that it says that when the waters parted, the people hastened and passed over (Jsh 4:10). When you arm yourself with God's Word and He begins to work in your life, you can run full-force into what lies ahead. Rise up and hasten to your season! Your new beginning is on the other side of the river in front of you. Run and pass over it. Pass over your problem and leave it behind.

Joshua and the children of Israel walked around the walls of Jericho once for six days. On the seventh day, it says they rose early about the dawning of the day and marched around the city just like before; only this time they walked around the walls seven times (Jsh 6:15). When they finished walking, when the priest blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, Shout; for the Lord has given you the city (Jsh 6:16).

Sometimes this life isn't easy. Sometimes you feel like you're walking in pointless circles; but just hold on. God is with you. When you don't know what to do, when you don't know how the bills will get paid, just take the hand of God and walk with Him... wherever He leads you. God will lead you and guide you and never lead you wrong. He's put you in this place for a purpose. You may not be able to see how things are going to end or where you'll end up, but remember God is leading you. He will place you in His perfect plan, and you can shout because God has given you your city. He will give you the answers to problems, to whatever is hindering you and holding you down.

Just think about it... the same God that created the universe, the same God that brought an entire city's walls down flat, that same God is with you and will work for you in your life. He is going to do something great in your life and in the upcoming year. We simple humans cannot fathom what God can really do for us. He is our God of wonders! He is a wonderful God!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Mile-Long Walk

It seems that every time you find something good, there is something bad to try and stop it. People talk, situations arise, things happen. But isn't it said that everything happens for a reason? I wonder why sometimes... What reasons are there for certain things that happen? There are things in this life that just do not make any sense at all.

We've all been at this point at some time in our lives. We feel the hurt, experience the pain of this life, we get cut down and stabbed in the back by so called friends, etc. We don't understand some things, we can't put our finger on exactly why some things happen. Have we put our faith in our wandering eyes? What we see and experience happening around us isn't always for the reason we think it is.

Before the threads of time began, before any of us were even here on this earth, there was a pre-ordained plan. There was a man to be on this earth and do something no one had ever done or ever will do.

Jesus came to this earth on which we live. His purpose for being born was to die... we know this story, but do we really grasp what happened while He was here??? Jesus came and experienced every single thing a person could go through. He did more than die for us... He came and walked a mile in our shoes. He has been through everything we go through. He did so that He could know just exactly what we feel and what we go through.

We were made in the image of God (Ge 1:26). We were made to serve Him. This was all foreseen before the earth was hung in the universe. I don't know about you, but my life went in a different way for a time. I went astray and I violated the bond that God and I had. I'm not proud of it in any way, but I'm forever grateful that Jesus had already walked down that road I was on. He knew what I felt and what I was going through.

He walked down a dusty road for you and me, forgiveness was His anthem. He experienced all pain, all suffering, and everything imaginable so He would know how we feel. Scientists say that Jesus carried the cross just about two kilometers; that is equal to one mile... think about that; those same feet that walked a mile in our shoes were later nailed to a cross for our salvation, His back beaten for our healing.

So when you think you're alone, when you're hurt and everyone seems to be against you, remember Jesus has already been there. He sees your hurt, He sees every tear you've cried. Remember that He went through it all just for you. He didn't keep Himself away from anything, He is no stranger to the pain you go through.

When you're at your wits end, when you don't know what to do or where to turn, remember that road has already been taken. Give your hurt and your problems to Him. He's already been through it, so He knows exactly how to fix it. Cast your cares and worries on Him, because He cares for you (I Pe 5:7). He's already walked a mile in your shoes.
