First, we are all human and we are prone to fall & make mistakes. We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect God.
We read in God's Word about all kinds of people who fail & turn their back on God... Jonah ran from God & from what he was called to do. We've all heard the story... swallowed by a whale (sounds like rock bottom to me) but stuck in a whales belly God was still with him, & Jonah began to call out to God.
In the midst of your distress & your problems, remember that God is with you & He will always be no matter what mistakes you've made. Trials come to make us stronger. God wasn't done with Jonah and He is not done with you.
You may be at the lowest point in your life, (a whales belly) but God still has a plan for you & a purpose for your life. Do not give up & do not give in to the enemy!
God allows things to happen in our lives to see what we're made of... to see if we're going to trust
Him. James says, 'tribulation worketh patience' Don't listen to the lies of the devil about suicide or that you're nothing. You are a child of the King... You're not here by accident... God has a plan for you. Be patient & wait for His timing. He will lead & guide you through whatever comes your way... if you'll only let him. God will open doors none shall shut, & close doors none shall open.
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