Evil. It comes from the enemy. The evil one is aware of you and he seeks to destroy you and all you do. You must know you are a target. The enemy knows you and will try to confuse you and make you live in fear.
But your life cannot be controlled by fear. Fear is of the enemy. God is not the author of fear or confusion. Do not let Satan tell you lies... You are not alone, God will NEVER leave you. His promises are sure... They are yea and amen!
God is fighting for you. When the enemy comes at you like a roaring lion, God will be your shield and defense. He is our refuge and strong tower.
But what about that evil... Ever notice how evil is just 'devil' without the d?
Evil starts in the heart. Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts... (Mt 15:19) If it's in your heart it will come out in your life. To be controlled and consumed with thoughts, words and acts of evil is to be the devil's puppet... to do what he wants and not what God wants.
Legion was controlled... Did exactly what the enemy wanted. Listened to what the devil told him to do... Luke 8 says he was driven by the devil. But when Legion saw Jesus, he cried out... Personally I think he knew that he wouldn't be rid of the demons by himself...
Do NOT believe the lie that you can make it on your own and that you don't need God. You're being a puppet... doing exactly what the enemy wants and believing what he wants you to believe. He's got you strung up and he's controlling your every move. He's only using you. He poisons your mind with what he desires. He cares nothing for you or the people you may hurt!
The mind is a powerful thing. It can play tricks and cause us to think the wrong things... Is it just human reasoning or is it evil? The devil will attack your mind & try to convince you into believing his lies... but be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom 12:2)
Make no mistake, the devil is trying his best to steal our souls... (our love & walk with God) How much more should we hit our knees and die to our sins? What we must do is what apostle Paul said... die daily.
Our lives will have problems, troubles, etc. but give it to God! When you talk to God, He will talk back to you. When you're sure it's His voice speaking, listen immediately, lest humanistic reasoning set in.
Do not be controlled by your own thoughts or what the devil tries to tell you.
What you must want is for your carnal man to die and for the spiritual man to be alive! Crucify your flesh daily! (Ph 1:21) To live is Christ, but to die is gain.... no strings attached!
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