A person's life isn't always what you may think it is... What you see, is not always what you get. People act one way in public but are totally different when they're alone. When you are this way, it's called being a hypocrite!
Let's take a look... You may be 'in church' and seem like a good christian person. You may even have a position in your local church... The family, the friends, the reputation... it's all good.
But when you're not in front of your church, friends, etc. you're a different way... and sad to say, but that is who you really are. The person that comes out when no one else is around... the person who is a God-fearing christian in public, but puts God and church on the back burner the rest of the time.
We should exam ourselves here... What is hypocrisy: much of the nature of a thing is many times discovered in its name; the name is a brief description. The word hypocrite properly signifies "an actor or stage-player, a personator of other men in their speech, habit, and action." The Hebrew word signifies both "a wicked man" and "a deceiver." And it is observed that those whom David, the devoutest man, called "wicked," Solomon, the wisest man, calls "fools," and Job, the most upright man, calls "hypocrites."
FAKE! That pretty much sums it up... hypocrisy is being a fake. One way in front of people, and another way when you're alone.
Now that we've looked at a hypocrite, let's go in a different direction...
You may be able to fool people. You might even be able to fool your closest friends and family... but you cannot pull the wool over God's eyes!
The Bible in Genesis tells about the serpent deceiving Eve to eat the forbidden fruit... God called out to Adam... Adam could not hide from God.
Jonah ran from God and in the belly of a whale, God found him. He couldn't hide from God.
You see the pattern here???
You can't hide from God Almighty! You can try to fool people, but you can't fool God. He knows your heart... he knows your ways. Whether you're genuine or just a fake. God knows how you truly are...
Behind your closed door where no one else is around, you're by yourself and no one knows what you're doing and how you are... except God! You're not gonna get back to that place in God by living the good life in front of people. Appearance is not what counts here... If you're trying to regain your position or trying to prove yourself, it's not gonna work by showing the pastor or church how you are... it's not gonna happen if you're not truly living the life you profess. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM GOD!
We shouldn't live our lives for God just to be seen... Jesus deserves more than that! When you are truly genuine in your walk, that's when you'll be used again. When the secret door of your life can be opened to find a person that has a daily prayer life, that's close to God, and is living right... that's when you're truly genuine and that's when things will fall into place.
God will not bless unrighteousness! But when He can push the closed door open and see a man/woman of prayer and righteous living is when the blessings will come.
You are who you are, when your by yourself... but just remember, you're never really alone. God is always watching and you can't hide from Him.
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