What is going on with our generation today?!? I see more and more people slip and fall away from God and the church. Little by little... slowly fading into the exact opposite of what God really wants them to be.
The question is, what are we putting into our lives to have this happen? It's commonly said, 'what goes into a mind, comes out in a life' A very well-said statement... what you put in your heart will come out in your everyday life. If you put bad things in your mind and in your heart, that's how you will live your life.
I sometimes wonder what people think... when Jesus is soon to return, some still choose to be infected with the things of this world and the things of sin.
An infection is a nasty thing... a cut on your hand can turn into an infection if left untreated. It starts out as a simple cut, but over time that cut can get things in it and make it worse... pretty soon you have a nasty infection, have to go see the doctor, get meds, etc...
Much like our spiritual life... one little thing that you try to justify becomes easier to do each time you do it. Just a little bad music, just a little bit of images on the internet... pretty soon, your 'little justification' turns into your life being controlled by your infection. The injection you made in your life when you chose to live away from the things of God has left you paralyzed... you hear the lies of the enemy in your head... is there a cure? Will any kind of medicine take affect?
YES! Instead of being infected with the things of the world, choose Jesus! Become infected with Him and His Word... The more you take a stand for Him and choose to live your life for Him, the better your life will be.
Pull the plug already... get bad things out of your life and become so infected with God that nothing of this world can touch you! Be like Job in the Bible... the devil could not touch him at first because God had placed a hedge about him.
You cannot do it alone... You must have Jesus in your life. He will protect you, He will lead and guide you... if you will only let Him. Do not die here in your current condition... it's not your time. It might be dark in your life, but the sun will shine again. Jesus will make everything alright in your life if you just surrender to Him... become infected with Him.