Whatever may happen in your life, whoever may come into your life, the thing that matters the most at the end of the day is if you know Jesus. Things happen and people come into our lives for a reason... whether we know it or not, everything happens for a reason. But the question remains... do you know Him?
Each one of us will spend eternity in one of two places... some think that this life is ours and we can live it however we want, but what you do right now will determine where you will be when time is no more. So what are you doing for your eternity? If we just surrender our lives to Jesus and let Him lead us, our lives will work out for our benefit.
As human beings, we engage in conversation and seek trust from the person we're interacting with... some people can be trusted and others will turn their backs on us. That's just life. But there's one that will never go back on his word... Jesus. Trust we seek, we can find in Him. He died just to save us... why wouldn't anyone want to serve Him?
Our lives can get pretty rough sometimes, we might feel like our prayers don't even hit the ceiling... but everyday we have a new start... because His mercies are fresh and new every morning... If we have Him, we're so close to Him no matter how far we may feel. Don't give into the lies of the enemy... even if you're in a testing time, hold onto God and do not let go!
What will matter at the end of our lives, when time is no more... do you know Jesus? Now is definitely not the time to play games with God... time is short and He is soon to return. Yeild your life to Him, forever just trust in who He is... because nothing else matters.
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