Monday, July 27, 2009

Looking For Angels

Everyone out there in this world today is searching for something. You see people in the store, you pass by them on the street, you may even talk to them face to face... whether they know it or not, they are all searching for something.

People turn to drugs, sex, money, alcohol, suicide, and the list goes on. They are all looking for their own form of angel to swoop down and take them away from their problems, their heartache, and their struggle; Looking for a problem solver, miracle worker, get out of jail free card, clean slate, etc. People out there are just dying to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder what some of them think... "Will it ever end?" "I don't know what to do!" "I wish someone would just help me!"

The 'something' that they need is Jesus. They may not know it, but it's God that they need. Passing by people with so much anger on their face, some with tears in their eyes... THEY NEED GOD! They're crying out inside to someone, anyone to help them!

We should be their angels! What we are called to do is to be a light and a witness to this lost and dying world. They need it! They need us! They need more than what they have now! They're looking, they're wondering what the point is... We should show them.

We are called to reach the lost. We are ALL called to show this world Jesus! We need to reach our city, our state, our country, and our world! God is coming soon. People are out there looking for something... why not do what we are supposed to do and show them Jesus!?

What will you do to make a difference, to make a change, to help someone along the way? A handshake, a smile, picking up the check at a restaraunt.... They're looking! They're looking for something! Be their shining light. SHOW THEM JESUS! In a sense, we can be their angels.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Star Light, Star Bright

Ever been lost in the woods or seen a tv show where people are lost and trying to find their way? What's the first thing they usually do? Look for the North Star right? They find the one thing that's always there to find there way out of the woods and to find direction to where they need to be.

I discovered something a few days ago about this North Star. One scientist and researcher said that one scientific meaning for the North Star actually means three stars in one. Think about that...

Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever! He's God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost! ALL THESE THREE ARE ONE! I John 5:7-8 puts it this way: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8: And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

So in a sense, Jesus is our North Star. He is our guiding light and He stands out from among the rest. If you're lost you can look to Him for guidance and direction. Look to Him to tell you where you are, where you're going, and how you're going to get there. Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path (Pro. 3:5-6).

No matter how far you've ran from God, no matter the problem you face, no matter if you think you're too far gone, look to God for your help. He is our strength, our provider, and our hope. God can make a way where there seems to be no way. Through Him is love, peace, and life more abundantly. God will be your direction. He will guide you and keep you on the right path. With God, all things are possible. There are no wrong turns when you trust Him.

Look up, find Him, and follow.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

I would venture to say that all of you out there know the story behind the man in this picture here. Verizon wireless is known very well for this guy and all of his commercials. Just saying six words... "Can you hear me now? Good."

These kinds of commercials are always a bit amusing to me. People all around are in competition to get the public to have their particular brand of clothing, kind of car, and even phone service. No surprise here, but this makes me think of my spiritual life...

There's a story in I Samuel about a man named Goliath. Not your average Joe here by any means. This guy was a giant. The problem I have with Goliath is the same problem David had with him. Goliath defied the army of Israel and cursed the Lord Almighty. We all know the story... David had God on his side, went out and slew Goliath.

Let's jump to present day: Our enemy (or Goliath) is in fact ole slewfoot himself. The devil wants nothing more than for you to be afraid just as the Israelites were. Satan is trying his very best to get you to remain quiet and just do nothing about the problems and torment he tries to bring on you and your life. He's shouting at you, defying your God, telling you that you can't make it, you'll never be good enough, and you'll always be bound to your problems.

Friends, we have to shout back at the enemy! MAKE SOME NOISE!!! David was only a shepherd boy tending to his father's sheep. Had some problems (a lion and a bear) but he trusted in God and was able to conquer those battles. When it came time for Goliath, David knew where to turn... Just like before, God brought him through because he was not afraid to shout back at the enemy!

Young people (and old, middle aged, etc.) MAKE SOME NOISE! Let the enemy know who you are, what you stand for, and that you're still here and not going anywhere! Make sure the devil knows you exist and that you're not going to sit down and take his junk anymore.

David shouted back at Goliath letting him know that God is on his side and that he would prevail. He ran to the battle line, shot his stone and won the victory. Now YOU: Shout at the enemy! Let him know that nothing formed against you shall prosper. Stand on God's Word and His promises. Make yourself loud and clear. Then run full-force to the battle line, pull out your sword, which is the Word of God, and kill your giant!

No more settling for what trouble the enemy hands you! No more dealing with the torment he tries to bring on you! Sing it, "No more chains holding me, from now on I am free. I'M GONNA SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!!" Make yourself heard! Run to the battle line and take back what's yours! Take it! Take it by force! It's YOUR lost family, it's YOUR relationships, it's YOUR victory! Take it! Take it! Take it!

The enemy has been waiting for you to just give up. Just curse God and die, like he tried on Job. Well, after you've made yourself heard, after you've done so much for God and dove so deep into a relationship with Him that nothing the enemy tries against you can prosper, turn and ask him... "Can you hear me now"?
