People turn to drugs, sex, money, alcohol, suicide, and the list goes on. They are all looking for their own form of angel to swoop down and take them away from their problems, their heartache, and their struggle; Looking for a problem solver, miracle worker, get out of jail free card, clean slate, etc. People out there are just dying to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder what some of them think... "Will it ever end?" "I don't know what to do!" "I wish someone would just help me!"

We should be their angels! What we are called to do is to be a light and a witness to this lost and dying world. They need it! They need us! They need more than what they have now! They're looking, they're wondering what the point is... We should show them.
We are called to reach the lost. We are ALL called to show this world Jesus! We need to reach our city, our state, our country, and our world! God is coming soon. People are out there looking for something... why not do what we are supposed to do and show them Jesus!?

What will you do to make a difference, to make a change, to help someone along the way? A handshake, a smile, picking up the check at a restaraunt.... They're looking! They're looking for something! Be their shining light. SHOW THEM JESUS! In a sense, we can be their angels.
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