You have a reason to live. God can and will make a way for you. But there's some things you have to do to prepare yourself for God's move in your life... The carnal man has to die. A man cannot serve two masters, so says the Word. You can't live the way you want and serve God at the same time. Surrender your life to the hands of Him. Your flesh will try to tell you otherwise and attempt to convince you that you're nothing and it's just not worth it... But keep that ca
rnal man down. The old man has no reason to exist in your life. God gave you a brand new start. Die to your flesh, and live forever. (I Cor. 15:31 - ... I die daily.)

Your past is gone. It has no place in your life and the only one who will tell you otherwise is Satan himself. You are free from your sin! The carnal man has no reason to exist anymore. Crucify your flesh with a daily walk with God. Leave your burdens at the feet of Jesus like He says to do in His Word. (Ps 55:22) Keep that carnal man down, rise up and live forever! It's worth it all when we get to see Him.
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