We all use a mirror to see how we look. It's like the mirror is something we go to and say, "Am I good enough?" or "What do I need to change?" The mirror has always told us in sense who we are. But if we rely on a mirror, we will soon find it's not easy to try and be perfect.

Let's take a deeper look into our life's mirror... Take a look at your reflection. We need to remember the one who made us and look into His eyes. Because despite what we may see or think of ourselves, to Him, we have beauty beyond compare.
We look in the mirror and see all those little imperfections and start thinking of how to fix them. I believe in self-help and all, but when we become so obsessed with what we look like on the outside, we may be lacking in how we look to God on the inside. It may be a little disturbing seeing the flaws that you may have (inside and out), but the beautiful thing about this is knowing that God can fix us... whatever the need, whatever the situation.
What is a mirror to tell us that we're less than what we should be, or to tell us a long list of what to do for our self-improvement? A mirror does not define who we are. Jesus made each and every one of us. He is the one that tells us who we are, where we're going, and what to do.
Our life's mirror should be reflecting not how good we look or what a great person we are, but the mirror of our everyday life should reflect Him and His goodness. As Christians we are called to reach our world and show them Jesus, but how can anyone see God in us if we are too concerned with ourselves?
Jesus is the one who can take care of our problems, our flaws, failures, and whatever life brings us. He is the one who created us in His own image. Don't give in to the impression the mirror gives you. Despite what you me see with your physical eyes, you are beautiful and you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves you and sees you through the eyes of a Saviour.

Sorry mirror, you don't define me.
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