Sometimes the ins and outs of so many different types of accounting gets hard to me and I say things like, "What's the point?" I'm sure all college students feel this way at some point. I'm required by my university to take biblical classes also. Those are always easy for me... then I got to thinking...
The Word of God, Jesus, living for Him, etc. It's not hard at all. It's so easy to love Him and to serve Him with my whole heart. I think about how God came down as a man and died just for me, how He saved me when I was a young boy, how He has healed me time after time, how His mercy has spared me and His forgiveness gave me a new start... How easy it is for me to love Him! Everywhere I go, no matter what I do, He is always there.
You see, people use the cliche, "It's not rocket science" for things that are simple. This is one of those things. This life of mine, serving my God, it is so easy and so simple. Jesus loves each and every one of us and desires to do good for us. All we have to do is surrender our will to His and live our lives for Him. He died for us, the least we can do is live for Him.
It's not rocket science here... Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8) His Word never changes, His promises are sure, they are yes and amen (IICor 1:20) After everything that my Jesus has done for me, I find it so easy to love Him, so easy to live for Him. It's so easy.
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