I can't help but overhear their conversation. Some take UT's recent loss better than others. Some, however, want to take action against the entire opposing team. One even said that they should take the player who blocked the field goal attempt and throw him into a raging river. It's only football dude... seriously.
This makes me think. Sitting in this little nook the past week I've gotten to know these guys a little... whether they know it or not. I listen to them and their life stories. The majority have lived in this town since they were born. Some of their parents were pillars in this community. So when their team loses, they get upset, they want to do something. Maybe they can't actually do anything about the loss, but they sure do want to do something!
Initiative. Passion. You want to do something... anything... but you just don't know exactly what to do. Does anyone besides me ever feel that way? Your life doesn't really have anything bad to speak about, but no great good to be proud of either. This takes us beyond having nothing to be ashamed of to being ashamed if we do nothing.
Our lives for God should not just be simply lived. We need to do something... anything! The passion these guys here have for a team or their belief in politics is amazing. They've actually done something to determine their town's Mayor, Governor, etc. It may have been small, but they did something. In I Samuel 14 Jonathan and tells his armor bearer, "Come, let's go over to the Philistines..." A few verses later, the two slaughter about 20 Philistines. It may have been only 20 men, but they did something.
As Christians, we know what the Word of God says. We have the knowledge in our minds but sometimes lack the passion in our hearts. Knowledge isn't power until you act. Even waiting on God is proactive activity. God designed us to move through this life intentionally, to live life on purpose, to make each day count.
Where is your passion? Where is your purpose? What drives you to get up everyday? Are you living or simply existing? I challenge you today to live your life on purpose. God has a plan and a purpose for you. Why settle for less when God has more for you? Even if you think you've messed up or gone too far... what are you doing about it? People's response to having done something wrong is not to do something right, but to do nothing at all.
There's more for you. God has a purpose for you and your life. You are here for a reason. Take action in your life. Do something. Even if it's small at least you'll be doing something. We have put so much emphasis on avoiding the bad that we have become virtually blind to the endless opportunities for doing the good God has for us.
Today, live on purpose, take initiative, and see what God has waiting for you when you actually do His Will. Three words that separate Jonathan from most of us is, "Come, let's go". He simply acted on what needed to be done.