It's a great song with a great message, but I got to thinking about it a little more... What a day that won't be. There won't be anymore hurt, pain, sorrow, tears, dying, etc. In heaven with my sweet Jesus, there will be no more fear of what may happen. There will be no more crying and worrying about situations that cause us so much strife down here. There is not going to be anymore loved ones dying, no more dealing with the troubles and trials of this life, no more temptation, no more sickness, we'll face no more darkness...
Jesus Christ will be the light and we will be with Him for eternity! What a day it will be when we don't have to face the things of this life. Don't get me wrong, it's not so bad down here on earth. God has given us so much, such a life and so many things to be thankful for. We are blessed beyond measure. I'm just saying that it will be so much better when we're with Him.
In the meantime, why not enjoy the life we have? God has given us so much opportunity, yet so little take advantage of it. We have the great opportunity to witness and to show people Jesus everyday. Let your light shine, let your life be a witness to those around you. May people see Him in you and all you do.
He is coming soon and what a day it will be! But as soon as we get to heaven, there will be no more opportunity to share God's Word with this world, no more chances for people to be saved. That's the main point of this blog post... Let's take our God-given opportunity and win this world for Him. Then they too can enjoy that wondrous day of our Lord!
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