Arriving at the starting point, a man with a small gun began talking to me and my four opponents. He told us what to expect; he'd say ready, set, and fire the gun. He explained the penalties if we drifted of into another running lane and so forth.
About to start, I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I felt my right leg sting with pain where the pulled muscle was. I focused my mind and ignored the pain. I heard the man with the gun, "On your mark, get set..." FIRE! I bolted off the line in front of the others. Twenty yards and still in the lead. Then the sting of pain shot through my leg. I pushed on, but slower. One runner passed, then two, then the others. I was dead last. Fifty yards to go and one runner was a few feet from the finish. I heard cheering for the winner and then saw all the others cross the finish line. I kept running... in pain, breathing hard, upset at myself, but I kept running. Finally, I crossed the finish line and collapsed on the sideline.
You see, I purposed in my mind and my heart to run the race before me. I hoped to be first, but in the end I was last. The point is, I finished.
God has placed a purpose and calling on each and every one of us. There is a particular call on all our lives. God has given us the opportunity to go and live the life He has called us to live. Judges 18 tells about a group trying to possess a land for an inheritance. It says, Arise, let's go. The land is good. And will you sit still? Don't be slow to enter and possess the land. 10 - When you get there, you'll find people living carefree lives. God has given it to you. It's a place where you will lack nothing (Jgs 18:9-10).
God has given your calling to you. Go get it! Your destiny awaits you. What are you doing for your calling? In some way, everyone has a calling on their life. I'm asking you, what are you doing to pursue it?
Prepare yourself. God has placed in you a purpose, a plan, and a calling that no one can keep you from. Pursue it! Your destiny is in your possession. Pursue it with everything you have. Soon it will come to pass.
Like my track competition, the race is to be finished. You might have some pulled muscles, you may be sweating, in pain, and feeling faint. But KEEP GOING! DO NOT STOP! Your calling is at the finish line waiting for you. You've got to keep on moving. ...The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong... (Ecc 9:11). You don't have to be the fastest or the strongest. Things will happen, trials will come, people and things will make you second guess your call, but persevere. You might have a rough road, but he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved (Mt 24:13).

So, you ready? You set? Go!
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