I noticed a man sitting down and looking at a copy of the recently published Apostolic Witness magazine. It was just an ordinary thing. I mean, how many people do you see looking at a magazine? This particular instance, however, was interesting to me. You see, it was not the man looking at the magazine, rather, it was what was on the back of the magazine that caught my eye. I couldn't see the entire page, but at the top was labeled, "Master's Degree."
Immediately my mind started working. Things like, "What's that about?" & "I wonder what is says." began to come in my mind. Later in the day, this thought still had not let go of me. I began to wonder if it was talking about a degree in education, a pedigree of some sort, etc.
You see, I am currently pursuing higher education. My first thought about this page on the magazine was of a Bible College... being as how it was on an Apostolic magazine and all; but throughout the day I began to see it in a new light. What if it was about The Master?
Whether or not the magazine page was about college, pedigree, or something else, I kept thinking of the title, Master's Degree, in a new form.
In any form of education, you must dedicate your time and even sacrifice your desires in order to achieve a degree. How much more should we sacrifice and dedicate our time, efforts, and energy for a greater cause? What if we pursued what the Master intended for our lives?

Friends, the Master is calling us. He wants to bless you and fill your life with joy unspeakable. The Master's Degree is what Jesus wants you to be.
Even as a child, Jesus was found in the temple amongst doctors, teachers, etc. He was teaching them not the other way around. Jesus was educated and purposeful about His Father's business. That is a prime example for us to follow. We should be about our Father's business, sharing God's Word, teaching others about Him, letting everyone know that there is hope, there is a better way, there is love, and God does love you! 

When I receive my Master's Degree from a University, I'll basically have a piece of paper saying that I'm educated in a particular field. What I really desire, what I dedicate my life to, is the the Master's reward. His 'degree' will be words filled with power and life; "well done." It's my desire to be with people of like precious faith that have made their way through this life, throw my graduation cap up in the air and enter into glory!
I long to achieve my Master's degree.
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