So what do we do the rest of the year??? I'm sure we'd all love to take the christmas spirit everyday into next year, right? But of course like years past, we all remember christmas, but fail to take the spirit with us. I'm sure we all want to have that special kind of christmas cheer throughout the year, but we let things get in the way and we soon forget how great it feels in this season.
I'm positive that we all want peace, love, and happines... but our intentions will not get it done. There are those people who have a good heart, but do not let it show. We as common people want to be a good person... go to church, do the right thing, etc. but a lot of times what's on the inside doesn't come out of us.
The Bible says, 'the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak' We should all take a closer look at ourselves and see exactly what our outward appearance looks like. People say that it's what's on the inside that matters... so no matter what you say, do, or how you act, you're still a good person because you have a good heart??? WRONG! I go back to the Word... 'out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks'
What's on the inside will come out. If you have things in your heart, it will show on the outside. People think that they can put on facades, but the inward man will show.
As a christian, I try as much as possible to be a witness to all those around me. But if my inward man is corrupt, what kind of witness will I be? People can't see inside my heart... all they see is what's on the outside. So if my heart is pure, my appearance will show it. People see me, but if I have the right attitude and spirit, they will actually be seeing what's inside me.
The Bible says, 'as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.' So how do we get a good heart? It's simple really... pray every single day. If you talk to God, He will talk back to you. Pray for help, read His Word for direction, live the life He wants you to live. Surrender your will to His, and you will have a heart of gold.
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