We all find ourselves here at the beginning of a new year... resolutions are made, goals set, and minds are made up. A new year is like a new beginning, a clean slate... you haven't messed up or made a mistake in 2009. It's a new start!
Personally, I'm determined to be closer to God and dedicate myself daily to prayer and fasting like never before. One big step for me, maybe for others out there too, is to walk by faith.
As humans, we're all guilty of judging situations and circumstances by what we see with our natural eyes. Things don't really go our way, don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, can't figure out how certain situations will end... that's the time we normally panic. We can only see what's happening around us and therefore, we respond to those circumstances with nothing in mind except what we are seeing.
One question has been on my mind for quite some time about this... why not just walk with your eyes closed??? It might sound strange, but I think it will work.
Instead of trusting our human eyes, why not trust in the supernatural power of God Almighty? Don't put your trust in what you can see with your naturl eyes. I believe if we allowed ourselves to be led by God and totally depend on Him, our lives would be in a lot better shape.
Walking by faith can be rough sometimes to our natural instincts... we can't see how things are going to pan out so we try to take control of the situation. That's not what faith is... we have to totally depend and trust God. Faith is believing when you can't see and trusting that God will work it out for you.
Jesus said that He would never leave us, nor forsake us... so even though we may not be able to see how our problems will be solved, how the bills are gonna get paid, or what path our lives are headed down, we can all just shut our eyes and walk by faith. Even if we can't see, we don't have the answers... we should just get our minds off everything around us, close our eyes and walk. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding... Put your life in the hands of Jesus. Close your eyes, reach out and take the hand of the only one who will NEVER lead you wrong!
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