What continues to play over and over in my mind is that when I was very young, the sky used to scare me if it was any color other than blue. So perhaps in our spiritual life, we're young kids with a scary red sky.
Whatever you're going through, no matter what problems you may be facing, God has everything under control. It may get rough at times, especially when you don't have the answers and don't know how things will turn out... but look to the Word of God; Jesus said in Malachi, 'I am the Lord, I change not...' So if God never changes, His word never changes. 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever' (Heb. 13:8)
Jesus cannot fail or lie. If God has spoken to you, you can firmly believe that whatever He said will happen. He speaks to us through His Word. Hold onto the promises God has made to you! He does not change and He will always stand by His word.
You may be (in a sense) a young child afraid of the big, red sky... but take courage!!! God is bigger than any problem or situation in your life. In the middle of your dark night with a red sky, take courage... a red sky is actually another promise of God. A red sky is just a promise of a better day to come. Weeping may endure for a night, (with a red sky) but joy comes in the morning!
Take courage child of God! Your red sky is a promise that your morning will be beautiful! Enjoy your red sky, for it is nothing more than another promise of the Father.
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