It's just a sign of the times. Jesus is soon to return. We can't allow ourselves to get distracted with the things of this life. Keep your eyes on the prize. Our goal here is heaven... not material possessions or things that are not profitable spiritually.
We have hope. We have a game plan. We have something that is a solid foundation in this uncertain time in which we live... the red letters.
Red letters in the Bible signify the words of Jesus. When everything around you is falling apart, when you don't know what to do or where to go, turn to the Word of God. There's no one better to listen to than Jesus. His words are forever, His promises are sure, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever!
He came to this earth to seek and save those that are lost. He came to this earth and forever changed the course of history. The pages of the Bible are filled with His holy message. They're not just words on paper. It was sent down straight from heaven for every single one of us.
God's Word is the only thing that will last. We can turn to it for help and direction. There is love, truth, healing, hope for the hopeless, peace, forgiveness, there is life eternally in the red letters.
It's comforting to know that in these changing times, we always have the Word of God. It never changes. Trust in the promises of Jesus... trust in the red letters.
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