Ever heard the term, "Wanted - Dead or Alive"? Usually something you hear on a t.v. show about the bad guy. The law wants him in their custody... dead or alive, doesn't really matter to them. They just want the assurance that they have the bad guy in their possession.
Well there are two that want YOU! No, you're not a bad guy or a villan... You are a child of God. Whether you serve Him or not, He created you and you are still His child. But there are two that have you on their Most Wanted list. Yes, you are at the top of that list. It's not the FBI, America's most wanted, etc. It is God and Satan... and the reward is far more valuable to both of them than money... their reward will be your soul.
Let's look at both here:
The devil wants you... BAD. He will try to trick you and make you slip and fall. He will make your life a mess. He wants you to give up, he wants you run from your problems. He wants you to face the same problems over and over, continually struggling to find peace and some kind of relief from your burdens, but never succeeding. He wants you to face the same situations... everything the same except the names and faces of people involved. He wants you to give up and waste away to absolutely nothing.
Jesus wants you too... even more than the devil. Jesus died for you... what has Satan done for you? God will take you just as you are (dead or alive). You feel like you can't go on, feel like you can't take another step, feel as if you're already dead... Whatever the situation, whatever the struggle or pain, Jesus will take you and wipe all your tears away. He will take the pain, the struggle and make you brand new. Jesus wants to enter your life and come into your heart and change your life for the better.
In a sense, you are the cowboy riding off into the distance. You're being chased by two things here... one good and one evil. You're a wanted man (or woman). The difference between you and the cowboy in westerns is that you have a choice who catches you.
You can go the way of the world and be caught by the enemy. You can give up and just be shot down off your horse, be beaten down and left for dead... OR, you can hold on tight to the reins, give a shout and ride hard. Through the darkest night, through the struggle and through the situations you face. You can take the hand of Jesus, put your trust in Him and watch Him take care of the enemy.
One thing is for certain, YOU ARE WANTED! Dead or Alive. The choice is yours so which will you be? Will you die in your sin or die to your sin? Will you live for God or away from Him?
Sometimes this life gets hard, but it doesn't have to be the same ways as before. You can have peace, you can have it better. There is one who can change your life for good. Jesus can and will take you under His wing, take your burdens, your pain, and your whole life; turn it around and make you a brand new creature... if you'll only let Him.
The choice is yours. You will be caught eventually, but you have the choice of who catches you. Make the right turns as you ride through your storm. Remember you are a wanted individual... Dead or Alive... which will you be in the end?
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