For some reason, those discussions I listen in on seem to end with the people actually talking to me. I do think God puts people in our path for a reason and I always try to bring Jesus in a conversation when I meet new people.
Something I hear quite often is the phrase, 'It's my life'. Well, technically it is our life to live and to do what we want... but think about it; who gave us life? Who breathed into a man's lungs and created life? God right...? So if He is the lifegiver, is it really truly our lives?
To me, my life belongs to God. He gave me life and then gave me the promise of eternal life, so the least I can do is live this life for Him... to be totally sold out to Jesus is the very least I could do for all that He's done for me.
I'm just a man and I do make mistakes, but I wonder if after Jesus saving us from our sin, does it hurt Him when we sin? Does it break His heart when we turn our backs on Him?
I for one am puposing in my heart to be even more sold out to God than ever before. He died for me, so the least I can do is to live for Him. I will reject all I am and all my earthly desires, because He did the same for me. I'm sure as a man Jesus didn't actually want to die, says so in the Bible, but He put His desires and hopes aside... just for me and you.

It's easy for us... Jesus had to actually die, but all we have to do is to die to our sin. Crucify the flesh and live in Christ. Like the Word says, 'To live is Christ, but to die is gain'
I have a new outlook about life in general... I want God's will, not mine. His ways are far above mine, He knows what's best, and will never lead me wrong.
This is NOT my life.
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