When the host began to tell her about Jesus, a low, growling voice came over the airways. The young lady started crying, asking 'What's happening?' The scruffy voice started to speak... said things to the host like, 'you can't have her' and 'she is ours'.
The host happened to be a firm believer in Jesus Christ and was well prepared for this call. He asked the voice his name and it replied, 'I'm The Keeper'. As soon as the host heard what the voice called himself, he demanded in the name of Jesus that he be silet.
He rebuked the spirit and quoted scripture to the young lady... Psalm 121: 5, 7 The Lord is the keeper; the Lord is the shade on your right hand. 7: The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
When the demon heard what the Word of God said, HE HAD TO LEAVE!!! Praise God!
Verse 1-2 of that passage of scripture says, I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2: My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

Jesus will preserve your soul! Nothing formed against you shall prosper!
You may be in your darkest night, but lift up your eyes unto Him! He knows every tear you've cried, every prayer you've prayed... He never left you and He never will. When your strength is gone, when you don't know what else to do, lift your eyes and see that your help is on the way!
The Lord will preserve your going out and coming in from this moment forward, and even forever!!!
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