The man Christ Jesus was a perfect man. He came to earth, obeyed everything that the Father told Him to do. The only man that knew no sin. We all know the story... Jesus walked this earth and did no wrong, but still he was crucified. He died so that we could live. On the cross there were two men beside Him. Thieves, sinners. I want to share something that God gave me about this...
In a sense, we are the two thieves. We can choose to be like the one that said, ‘save yourself and us’ Selfish, didn’t really care if He was actually the Messiah, he just wanted to be saved… his own gain was more important than anything at that moment. On the other hand, we could be like the other thief, the one that said ‘remember me’. On the cross, Jesus looked at the second thief and said, ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’.
Now think about this, Jesus hanging on the cross… arms stretched out wide. One arm toward the second thief that knew he deserved to be there, and one arm toward the first thief that was only looking out for his own goodwill.
You see, Jesus Christ died for each and every one of us. He was beaten and bruised for us, took an undeserved punishment so that we could be saved.
The two thieves represent you and me. They saw the situation from two different angles. We can be like the first and think that we don’t deserve what life brings us, cry out and blame God for the mess the we created, saying 'if you're really there SAVE ME'! OR… we could be like that second thief. The one who realized that he is a sinner, he deserved to die, he knew that he should be punished for what he’d done. He also knew that Jesus did nothing wrong and just asked one thing, to be remembered. One humble question, gained him paradise!
But one thing still makes me think differently about this… the two men beside Jesus were s

Whether we choose to stay in our sin and live for ourselves, or choose to surrender and live for Him, Jesus still has His arms stretched out wide for us. He died so that we could live… there is no greater love.
On this Good Friday, will you choose to be the first thief that stays in sin and blames everything and everyone else for your problems and misses an opportunity to be saved? Or will you be the second thief, who realizes that you’re nothing without Jesus Christ. He is our only hope, our strength, our salvation. Without Him, we are nothing.

Praise the Lord, Jesus died for us… but three days later, He rose himself from the grave! Death has no sting, the grave has no victory… Jesus is alive and waiting for you to come to Him. He died for us, we all should live for Him.
Which thief will you be?
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