It wears many faces. Sin can make itself very appealing to our natural eye. If we're just looking with our human eyes, then we can see sin or even the action it involves as harmless and even want it. But there's a saying that I've heard and try to live by... Sin = DEATH!
If we could only see sin for what it really is... there are those who try to justify whatever they're doing as, 'not that bad' or 'just a little thing that doesn't really matter'. But sin is sin... there's no big or little sin in God's eyes, and again, SIN = DEATH!
Sin will take you much farther than you want to go and will keep you much longer than you want to stay. People try to justify there actions and try to make themselves feel better about it... but here is a simple statement that should clarify some things... If it's in the Bible, and you disobey it, IT'S SIN! Pretty plan and simple, but true.
Don't see whatever you're doing as something that you feel bad for a little while and then it goes away, see it as death. If we have an outlook that tells us 'sin will take us to hell' then I bet we wouldn't try to justify things as much.
The enemy has a counterfeit for almost everything... one example in the old testament, Exodus to be precise, Moses & Aaron threw down there rods and they became serpents and Pharaoh's magicians did likewise... the Bible said they did it by their enchantments... In other words, it wasn't the power of God, it was, in a sense, a disguise.
Sin wears many faces... it makes itself look harmless and can even look like the real thing. If we would only live by what the Bible says and nothing else, there would be a lot less falling into sin.

Friends, SIN = DEATH! Plain & simple. Don't fall into the devil's traps. Be on your gaurd and stand firm on the Word of God... It says in Mt 7 to beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits.
Always be on your guard... watch out of the wolves in sheeps clothing, inspect the fruits, and do not be fooled by the disguises of sin.
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