There are individuals, some I know personally, that think this way: If you can't see it, feel it, have it proved then it's not real or not gonna happen...
It's hard to believe in what you can't see, but that's exactly what faith is. Can you catch the wind? Can you see the breeze? Of course not, but you know it's there. You can't see it, but you know it's there.
You can't trust only what you can see with your natural eyes. Trust and faith in God is what it's all about. Your mind's eye can show you more than what you see with your natural eyes. A mind's eye is defined as being able to see things with only your mind and not your eyes. Example: Have you ever actually seen a million dollars? No? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Same way with God and things of the supernatural. In my mind I can see the face of Jesus smiling down on me. Despite my problems or fears, in my mind's eye I can see that I'm where I belong because I'm wrapped in His arms. I can ride the storm, endure the pain because He is my comfort even in the worst hurricane of my life's troubles.
Like the million dollars; have you ever seen God? No man has seen God, but it does not mean that He doesn't exist. Faith is believing what you cannot see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (He 11:1).
We can't just trust and hope in what we can physically see with our human eyes. Rather, see and believe what is in your mind's eye. A spiritual vision of sorts.
Despite your situation or problems you may have, trust in the Almighty God. Look in your mind's eye and see yourself healed, see yourself saved, delivered, free, etc. In your mind's eye you can walk through anything and climb any mountain that you face. Your mind's eye is simply your faith.
You're not alone. Jesus is with you. You may not be able to physically see Him, all you may see is what's going on around you, but check your mind's eye and see and believe what He has for you.