Friday, November 13, 2009

Genesis II

I've been reading in the Old Testament lately. Reading and rereading to understand God's Word more. As I was reading I was thinking about how all this began. The Bible days, the first man and woman, the very beginning. The first book of the Bible is Genesis... where it all started. "In the beginning..."

Genesis is where it all began. I'm sure at some point all of us have thought about going back and redoing certain things in our lives. Reliving those times where we've made wrong decisions and bad choices... a new beginning of sorts. I wonder how we could have a new beginning...
I looked in John 1:3 - All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. So God made everything. This tells us Jesus' creativity. All things were made through Him and nothing was made without Him. He was involved of every aspect of creation. The Greek word for "made" is "ginomai", from which we get the English word "genesis". It means to come into being, to happen, or to become. God brought everything into being out of nothing. Everything in this universe was spoken into existence by God Almighty.

So if God made everything, that means He made you too; and if He made you once, it is safe to say that He can make you again. All throughout the Bible there are people who failed and sinned greatly, but were still made something great for God. David had an affair, Saul killed Christians, and the list goes on. In the end these men and women in the Bible were still used greatly for God and His kingdom.

Putting this all together... God made you in the beginning. He can make you again. He can and will give you a new start. The mercies of God are never consumed... they are new every morning (La 3:22-23). If you've fallen (and we all have) don't stay down. You're not forgotten and you are not alone. Get up and go on. Your past is over. You can have a new start today! The making of you life story has just begun. Pick yourself up and move forward with your new beginning in Him!


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