I could be like a lot of people. I could mimic their actions and how they talk, even dress like them. It's safe to say that I could be just like them, but then I wouldn't really be myself. The truth is that we're all alike in some way or another. Whether a little or a lot, we all resemble someone else. The choice of who we resemble is ours. Who will you look like?
Everyone has their share of life's problems. There are people who do you wrong, there's things that happen that can't be helped, and there are things that the enemy uses to attack you and your life. What you will do when this happens makes the difference. You could be mean, angry, fake, cold, ruthless, weak, senseless, etc. Or you could be different...
I've always tried to live by a simple question: "Why blend in when you were made to stand out?" The reality is that God called each and every one of us to be different. We are told to come out from among the world and be separate (II Cor 6:17). You could be like those that hurt you and take advantage of you, or you could be like Jesus and turn the other cheek. You could be vengeful and to those that harmed your life, or you could forgive.
We could all be just like them or just like Him! We are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). It's said that if you get close enough to a person and look in their eyes, you can see a reflection of yourself. We are the apple of God's eyes. We can see ourselves in Him because we were made in His image... but can He see Himself in us???
Jesus overcame the world (John 16:33). So that tells me no matter what your situation, no matter how your life seems right now, you were made to overcome! You were made to rise above! You can do it, you can make it, and nothing formed against you shall prosper (Is 54:17). It's time to rise up! You don't have to stay in the same situation you're in. You will have problems, but you don't have to stay down. When you fall, you will get back up (Mal 7:8).
Take courage, child of God. There is always hope in Him. It's time to rise up and be like Him! Let it be said that you are just like Him!
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