Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Walk With Your Eyes Closed

Well here we are... the last day of 2008. I find myself looking back on this past year in amazement, wondering where time went and how I made it through this year with my sanity. For me, the past year has been quite a rough ride, but thanks and praises be to God I made it through.

We all find ourselves here at the beginning of a new year... resolutions are made, goals set, and minds are made up. A new year is like a new beginning, a clean slate... you haven't messed up or made a mistake in 2009. It's a new start!

Personally, I'm determined to be closer to God and dedicate myself daily to prayer and fasting like never before. One big step for me, maybe for others out there too, is to walk by faith.

As humans, we're all guilty of judging situations and circumstances by what we see with our natural eyes. Things don't really go our way, don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, can't figure out how certain situations will end... that's the time we normally panic. We can only see what's happening around us and therefore, we respond to those circumstances with nothing in mind except what we are seeing.

One question has been on my mind for quite some time about this... why not just walk with your eyes closed??? It might sound strange, but I think it will work.

Instead of trusting our human eyes, why not trust in the supernatural power of God Almighty? Don't put your trust in what you can see with your naturl eyes. I believe if we allowed ourselves to be led by God and totally depend on Him, our lives would be in a lot better shape.

Walking by faith can be rough sometimes to our natural instincts... we can't see how things are going to pan out so we try to take control of the situation. That's not what faith is... we have to totally depend and trust God. Faith is believing when you can't see and trusting that God will work it out for you.

Jesus said that He would never leave us, nor forsake us... so even though we may not be able to see how our problems will be solved, how the bills are gonna get paid, or what path our lives are headed down, we can all just shut our eyes and walk by faith. Even if we can't see, we don't have the answers... we should just get our minds off everything around us, close our eyes and walk. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding... Put your life in the hands of Jesus. Close your eyes, reach out and take the hand of the only one who will NEVER lead you wrong!


Friday, December 19, 2008

A Heart of Gold

As we approach another christmas, I can't help but notice all that comes with this holiday... lights, decor, fund raisers for charities, etc. It's a time where most people put aside differences and pursue peace and love just a little more than usual. This is a great time of year.

So what do we do the rest of the year??? I'm sure we'd all love to take the christmas spirit everyday into next year, right? But of course like years past, we all remember christmas, but fail to take the spirit with us. I'm sure we all want to have that special kind of christmas cheer throughout the year, but we let things get in the way and we soon forget how great it feels in this season.

I'm positive that we all want peace, love, and happines... but our intentions will not get it done. There are those people who have a good heart, but do not let it show. We as common people want to be a good person... go to church, do the right thing, etc. but a lot of times what's on the inside doesn't come out of us.

The Bible says, 'the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak' We should all take a closer look at ourselves and see exactly what our outward appearance looks like. People say that it's what's on the inside that matters... so no matter what you say, do, or how you act, you're still a good person because you have a good heart??? WRONG! I go back to the Word... 'out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks'

What's on the inside will come out. If you have things in your heart, it will show on the outside. People think that they can put on facades, but the inward man will show.

As a christian, I try as much as possible to be a witness to all those around me. But if my inward man is corrupt, what kind of witness will I be? People can't see inside my heart... all they see is what's on the outside. So if my heart is pure, my appearance will show it. People see me, but if I have the right attitude and spirit, they will actually be seeing what's inside me.

The Bible says, 'as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.' So how do we get a good heart? It's simple really... pray every single day. If you talk to God, He will talk back to you. Pray for help, read His Word for direction, live the life He wants you to live. Surrender your will to His, and you will have a heart of gold.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Life comes at you fast... sometimes too fast. There's so much that can happen in our lives. One moment can change the rest of your life. Tragedy can strike at any time. Things can and do happen to all of us. But what do you do when the storms of your life rage? Where do you run and who or what do you turn to?

Some turn to drugs... trying to get to that 'high' place where they're above all their troubles and problems. But the simple law of gravity defies the assumption that drugs can take care of your problems... what goes up, must come down.

Others turn to alcohol... feeling that buzz and on the way to being completely out of control, people think drinking can somehow solve the troubles of their lives... trying to escape from life itself, some slip into the numbness from intoxication.

And who could forget the infamous dollar sign!?!?! People love money so much and turn to it to fix their problems. The Bible says 'the love of money is the root of all evil'. How could the root of evil possibly fix anything in your life? Trust isn't in God anymore, instead there are those who trust in the almighty dollar!

There's so much more that people do and rely on when troubles come their way. Here's my question to all of you out there... WHAT ABOUT GOD!?!?!?!?

Where is He in your troubled life? Jesus can fix it... whatever the problem, whatever the situation, God can take care of it. His Word says to cast your cares on Him, because He cares for you! Instead of turning to drugs, sex, money, love, alcohol, etc. why not trust God and let Him take your burdens and do what only He can do?

If we would all just realize that God really does want to help us and can mend our broken hearts and troubled lives, I highly doubt that we would turn to anything else for help. He is waiting with outstretched arms... How can we stand still and not be moved by that? God's arms are wide open... We should run into His arms and let Him take care of all the hurt, pain, and troubles of our lives. Think about it... a God that wants to take care of us and protect us from all the enemy has up his sleeve. A God that has open arms for us to run into and be safe. He will calm your storm and give you rest, hold you in His hands and will not let you fall. How could it be better than that?!?!

Drugs, money, and all the things of this world will not do anything to help you. Jesus can give you strength to keep walking, hope to trust in, light to lead you, a purpose and a reason to live! Make Him all you want, all you need... make Jesus your everything!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Put On Your Game Face

Interesting story...

I was in a mall and there was a weight lifting competition going on. Several guys were in the competition and were going head-to-head in this battle. Most of them were very well built... I mean, I know I'm out of shape, but these guys made me look down right puny.

Most of the guys were older men that had been doing this kind of thing for a while. However, there was one participant that was still in high school. I watched this young man while he sat to the side with his head down, paying no attention to the other competitors. Continuing to observe him, I saw his head begin to bob... I realized that he had a pair of headphones in. Apparantly, he was getting himself pumped up for his turn to lift the weight that no one in the competition had lifted... it was to be a record breaker.

The announcer began to introduce the young man, but the headphones were still in and his head bob had turned into an all out head bang. All of a sudden, he jumped up, threw his headphones down and walked to the platform. He took a breath and lifted the weight with what appeared to be ease. He let go of the weight and lifted his hands in victory... he won!

We all have battles to face... because of our walk with God and our spiritual life, the enemy will attack us. But like the man in the competition, we need to put our game face on!

Get ready for the battle. Anytime you take a stand for God or do what's right, prepare to get fought by the devil. The enemy knows his time is short and will stop at nothing to try and defeat us. But be of good cheer, God is on our side. And if God before us, who can be against us? No weapon formed of the enemy shall prosper! (I'm gettin pumped up in here)

We must prepare for the battle that faces us... plug in those headphones (the Word of God) and get pumped. The Bible is our adrenaline music; Athletes listen to their music and get pumped for battle in the game ahead of them... So we can listen to the Word of God and get prepared for the battles that we face.

How awesome it is to know that God is on our side... nothing can stop us when we have God with us! That gets my spiritual adrenaline pumped!

There will be battles... rest assured. We need to put on our game face and get ready. Be prepared; plug in God's Word and get so prepared that NOTHING will stop you, and run full force into the battle and take back what's rightfully yours! Then raise your hands because you have the victory in Jesus name!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oldies, Blues & Nu Jazz

Music... we all love it and have our own preference. Someone once told me that music breathes life into the soul... true in a sense, but let's explore it...

Blues: The phrase "the blues" is a reference to the the Blue Devils, meaning "down" spirits, melancholy, and sadness.
Nu Jazz: Nu Jazz is to traditional Jazz what punk or grunge was to Rock. The songs are the focus, not the individual prowess of the musicians. Nu Jazz instrumentation ranges from the traditional to the experimental, the melodies are fresh, and the rhythms new and alive. It makes Jazz fun again.
Oldies: Oldies is a term commonly used to describe a radio format that concentrates on a period 15 to 55 years before the present day, catering to the parents' generation. In the 1980s and 1990s, "oldies" meant the 15 years from the birth of rock n roll to the beginning of the singer-songwriter era.

Now let's jazz it up a bit... (couldn't resist)

Jesus said, 'I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end' God was with you from the beginning. He was there in the 'oldies' generation with all the people of the old testament and is still with you. Get back to your roots... get back to that place where God first saved you. The same God that brought Noah through the flood, Joshua through the battle of Jericho, and Daniel out of the lions den, can and will bring you through your situation. Hebrews says, 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever'.

Whatever you're going through, whatever situation God will see you through. You my be hurt, frustrated, don't know what to do, you may be singin the blues... but look up! Look to the hills from which comes your help! Do not give up! No matter what your problems are, help is on the way!

Do not believe the lie of the enemy that you're too far gone. You're never in a place where God's hand can't reach you and his grace won't keep you. Get into that 'nu jazz'... Jesus makes all things new! He will give you a new start. Psalm 100 says, 'His mercy is everlasting' Lamentations says, 'His mercy is new every morning'. So everyday is your chance... A new day and a new start. Forget about the past, forget about the mistakes of yesterday... God's mercy is fresh and new every morning. Let the past be the past... you can't change it, you can only learn from it. START OVER! With God's grace, forgivness, and mercy you have a brand new start.

Remember Jesus is the same God that was in the old testament and His Word is forever. Stop singin the blues of your life because your help is on the way. Turn up that nu jazz and claim your new start today!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Game On

Go ahead with all you got! Try to break me down til you think you can hurt me... All the pain you inflict will make me stronger!!!

Some of us need to shout that at the devil as loud as we possibly can. In our christian walk, we must realize that there will be struggles, battles, disappointments, etc. But have faith child of the most high! We have to realize that Jesus is coming soon and we cannot let ANYTHING stand in our way of making heaven our home.

We all have and will go through things in our lives. I've found out that whenever you take a stand for God or anything that pertains to Him, you get fought tooth and nail by the enemy. Satan doesn't like it when we stand for Jesus and live right. He knows his time is short and is doing everything in his power to stop us from getting to heaven. But trials and tests come to make us stronger. Remember that God allows things to happen... maybe to see what we're made of. To see if we're gonna plant our feet and stand for Him, or jump ship.

The enemy is out for our souls... So what are we doing about him? To that low-down dirty devil, I say, BRING IT! We must realize we have power with the Holy Ghost and through Jesus name! Deuteronomy 20:4 says, For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory'. The enemy knows he's gonna lose... he's just trying to make you lose too.

God is on our side. He will fight our battles and carry our burdens if we'll only let Him. James 1:2 says, 'My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations'. In other words, consider it a gift when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Paul said in II Timothy 4:7 'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith'. That's what we must do... KEEP THE FAITH! It's not the end! God has you in the palm of His hand. This is not your time to give up. Even though it may be dark, the sun will shine again. It will pass in time... you're not forgotten. God has you in His hand!

Fight the good fight, keep the enemy in your sights, and NEVER give up!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Behind Closed Doors

"You are who you are, when you're by yourself"

A person's life isn't always what you may think it is... What you see, is not always what you get. People act one way in public but are totally different when they're alone. When you are this way, it's called being a hypocrite!

Let's take a look... You may be 'in church' and seem like a good christian person. You may even have a position in your local church... The family, the friends, the reputation... it's all good.
But when you're not in front of your church, friends, etc. you're a different way... and sad to say, but that is who you really are. The person that comes out when no one else is around... the person who is a God-fearing christian in public, but puts God and church on the back burner the rest of the time.

We should exam ourselves here... What is hypocrisy: much of the nature of a thing is many times discovered in its name; the name is a brief description. The word hypocrite properly signifies "an actor or stage-player, a personator of other men in their speech, habit, and action." The Hebrew word signifies both "a wicked man" and "a deceiver." And it is observed that those whom David, the devoutest man, called "wicked," Solomon, the wisest man, calls "fools," and Job, the most upright man, calls "hypocrites."

FAKE! That pretty much sums it up... hypocrisy is being a fake. One way in front of people, and another way when you're alone.

Now that we've looked at a hypocrite, let's go in a different direction...
You may be able to fool people. You might even be able to fool your closest friends and family... but you cannot pull the wool over God's eyes!

The Bible in Genesis tells about the serpent deceiving Eve to eat the forbidden fruit... God called out to Adam... Adam could not hide from God.
Jonah ran from God and in the belly of a whale, God found him. He couldn't hide from God.
You see the pattern here???

You can't hide from God Almighty! You can try to fool people, but you can't fool God. He knows your heart... he knows your ways. Whether you're genuine or just a fake. God knows how you truly are...

Behind your closed door where no one else is around, you're by yourself and no one knows what you're doing and how you are... except God! You're not gonna get back to that place in God by living the good life in front of people. Appearance is not what counts here... If you're trying to regain your position or trying to prove yourself, it's not gonna work by showing the pastor or church how you are... it's not gonna happen if you're not truly living the life you profess. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM GOD!

We shouldn't live our lives for God just to be seen... Jesus deserves more than that! When you are truly genuine in your walk, that's when you'll be used again. When the secret door of your life can be opened to find a person that has a daily prayer life, that's close to God, and is living right... that's when you're truly genuine and that's when things will fall into place.

God will not bless unrighteousness! But when He can push the closed door open and see a man/woman of prayer and righteous living is when the blessings will come.

You are who you are, when your by yourself... but just remember, you're never really alone. God is always watching and you can't hide from Him.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Skeleton Song

Everyone has a past of some sort. It could be anything... something you're not proud of whether the situation be big or small. But whatever the case, there is no reason at all to go looking for your past. What's done is done and we can only learn from it.

If you've dealt with your past, great! But for those who still have skeletons in the closet, this is for you.

If you don't deal with your past, your past will deal with you. You must pray and ask for forgiveness. But do not stay in the same place... don't go back to the same old things that God forgave you of and delivered you from.

Things of your past may be dragging you down. If that's the case, get those things out of your life! The enemy will try to throw your past mistakes in your face; but, 'Resist the devil and he will flee from you' (Ja 4:7) You don't have to stay in your current condition. Let it go and move forward!

How do we get bad things out of our lives and move on? Prayer. How do we get prayers answered? II Chr 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

To get prayers answered, we must..
1. have a humble spirit. God puts us in situations so we have to look to Him for help... to humble us.
2. Pray...pretty self explanatory. Talk to God about your problems. He will talk to you if you talk to Him.
3. Seek the face of God. Not just His hands and what He can do... but His face.
4. (this is vital) Turn from wicked ways. We can't keep on doing the same old things. We've got to get the bad things out of our lives. THEN God will hear us, forgive us, and heal us.

Stop letting the skeletons in the closet of your past sing their song and have rule. Bury your past, leave it behind, and MOVE FORWARD!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friends In High Places

In my experience in job searching, I've come to know certain people that have authority to make things happen. I would always call on these people to help me find a good job or in the job, make something happen for me. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't using them to hand me everything I needed. I was, however, leaning on them for help because I knew that they could make things happen.
The same principle applies with our spiritual walk, wouldn't you say? We all have mentors, role models, etc. I have people I look up to and are always there when I need them. It's all well and good to have friends that can help you, but we ALL have one friend who sticks closer than a brother... Jesus.

I look at the life of Abraham. In James it says, "And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God." Abraham's faith reposed in God Himself. He knew the God he was dealing with. It was a personal confidence in One whom he could utterly trust. The real secret of Abraham's whole life was in his friendship with God. He knew God to be his good and faithful Friend. Taking Him at His word, he stepped out from all that he knew and loved and went forth upon an unknown pathway with none but God. In addition to trusting in the Word of God, have we learned to lean our whole weight upon God, the God of infinite love and power, our covenant God and everlasting Friend?

We are told that Abraham glorified God by this life of faith. The truest way to glorify God is to let the world see what He is and what He can do. It's not about us, it's about Him... all we do must be for His glory. Not to be seen or heard, but for Him. God does not so much want us to do things as to let people see what He can do. God is not looking for extraordinary characters as His instruments, but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages.

A very wise evangelist once told me a quote... "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect God. And the reason He can still use us and work with us is because we aren't perfect. A relationship with our God is the best thing that could ever happen to us. A gift from God is an offer we can't refuse!

We must be careful; we must not have a relationship with God just to get the things we want. James 4 is a great chapter in the Bible. It says in verses 3 and 4, 'Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.'

We must be close to God and listen to His voice and not our own selfish thoughts. Sometimes we can pray for the wrong things... we may think it's the best thing, but our Friend knows better... and I would hate to be the enemy of God.

Draw close to God, and He will draw closer to you. If you talk to God, He will talk back to you. Seek His direction and not what you think is the right way.

Verse 10 of James 4 says, 'Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.'


Friday, October 17, 2008

Devil's Puppet

Fingers in strings, connected to your hands... Is it good, or is it evil? Something has control. You feel it as it takes over your every move and thought... causes you to act on impulse.

Evil. It comes from the enemy. The evil one is aware of you and he seeks to destroy you and all you do. You must know you are a target. The enemy knows you and will try to confuse you and make you live in fear.

But your life cannot be controlled by fear. Fear is of the enemy. God is not the author of fear or confusion. Do not let Satan tell you lies... You are not alone, God will NEVER leave you. His promises are sure... They are yea and amen!

God is fighting for you. When the enemy comes at you like a roaring lion, God will be your shield and defense. He is our refuge and strong tower.

But what about that evil... Ever notice how evil is just 'devil' without the d?
Evil starts in the heart. Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts... (Mt 15:19) If it's in your heart it will come out in your life. To be controlled and consumed with thoughts, words and acts of evil is to be the devil's puppet... to do what he wants and not what God wants.

Legion was controlled... Did exactly what the enemy wanted. Listened to what the devil told him to do... Luke 8 says he was driven by the devil. But when Legion saw Jesus, he cried out... Personally I think he knew that he wouldn't be rid of the demons by himself...

Do NOT believe the lie that you can make it on your own and that you don't need God. You're being a puppet... doing exactly what the enemy wants and believing what he wants you to believe. He's got you strung up and he's controlling your every move. He's only using you. He poisons your mind with what he desires. He cares nothing for you or the people you may hurt!

The mind is a powerful thing. It can play tricks and cause us to think the wrong things... Is it just human reasoning or is it evil? The devil will attack your mind & try to convince you into believing his lies... but be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom 12:2)

Make no mistake, the devil is trying his best to steal our souls... (our love & walk with God) How much more should we hit our knees and die to our sins? What we must do is what apostle Paul said... die daily.

Our lives will have problems, troubles, etc. but give it to God! When you talk to God, He will talk back to you. When you're sure it's His voice speaking, listen immediately, lest humanistic reasoning set in.
Do not be controlled by your own thoughts or what the devil tries to tell you.

What you must want is for your carnal man to die and for the spiritual man to be alive! Crucify your flesh daily! (Ph 1:21) To live is Christ, but to die is gain.... no strings attached!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Actions Speak Louder

How many of us have heard the term, "Actions speak louder than words"... It's a true statement. You may say that you want to do something but your actions say otherwise... How can we apply that in a spiritual sense?

Once you have God's spirit inside your heart and you're living right, the enemy will try to attack you. Anytime you take a stand for God and try to do more for Him, the devil will try to make you fall. God allows the enemy to attack us to see what we're made of; to see if we are going to stand and fight or lay down and take it... and that my friends would be a bad mistake. We can't allow our lives to be controlled by fear... don't give place to the devil (Ep 4:27)

If we fall back on old habits, God is not going to bless us with more. His word says He will not put on us more than we can handle... we all hear that and think it just applies for the bad things; but wouldn't you say it includes the good things also?

For example, God will not bless you with a better job with more money until you can handle your current one. (tithe, offering, using money wisely) God won't bless you with a marriage until you can handle a regular dating relationship. God's not going to put on us more than we can bear.
God knows your every thought and He knows your heart; but God will not honor your good intentions, He will honor (and bless) your ACTIONS.

Everyone wants to be a good person, everyone wants to be a true christian; but what separates (for lack of a better term) the men from the boys is the ACTION.

All things you do for Christ will last. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Ph 4:13) Not what you want but what you DO.

Stop wanting and waiting and do something about your situation. You have the choice, you have the power... 'save yourselves from this untoward generation' (Ac 2:40) Let your actions speak louder than your words!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Ghost Hunter

I've always had an interest in hunting, but have never been. From what I've heard about it, hunting requires a lot of patience.

For example, if you go deer hunting, you may end up sitting in a tree waiting for a deer to come along & then take your shot. Sounds exciting I know! But sounds a little contradictary to me... A hunter is defined simply as 'one who searches for something.' So if you're sitting in a tree just waiting, are you really hunting? No offense to all you hunters out there...

But I'm thinking of a different kind of hunt. I'm talking about a ghost hunt...

It says in Matthew, 'seek and you shall find'. So if you seek (hunt) the Holy Ghost, you will find it. All throughout God's Word it talks about seeking & searching for God & after the things of Him. I believe if one seeks the face of God & the Holy Ghost, you will receive it. It is a promise!

Acts says that you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you. 'Power to tread on scorpions and serpents and all power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.' (Luke 10:19) Sounds great right!?!

But you only have that power after you receive the Holy Ghost. So again I say, 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.' (Mt. 7:7-8)

Seek the Holy Ghost and you will receive it. God promised it to you & the power that comes with it. It's what will get you into heaven.

Seek the Holy Ghost like a hunter... not one sitting in a tree waiting, but rather one that goes out looking and does not stop until they find what they're hunting. Even if you already have it, you could always use more.

Are you a ghost hunter?


Friday, September 26, 2008

God is not done!

This is for all who have made mistakes...

First, we are all human and we are prone to fall & make mistakes. We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect God.

We read in God's Word about all kinds of people who fail & turn their back on God... Jonah ran from God & from what he was called to do. We've all heard the story... swallowed by a whale (sounds like rock bottom to me) but stuck in a whales belly God was still with him, & Jonah began to call out to God.

In the midst of your distress & your problems, remember that God is with you & He will always be no matter what mistakes you've made. Trials come to make us stronger. God wasn't done with Jonah and He is not done with you.

You may be at the lowest point in your life, (a whales belly) but God still has a plan for you & a purpose for your life. Do not give up & do not give in to the enemy!
God allows things to happen in our lives to see what we're made of... to see if we're going to trust

Him. James says, 'tribulation worketh patience' Don't listen to the lies of the devil about suicide or that you're nothing. You are a child of the King... You're not here by accident... God has a plan for you. Be patient & wait for His timing. He will lead & guide you through whatever comes your way... if you'll only let him. God will open doors none shall shut, & close doors none shall open.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Slow Fade

Most people today have heard the song, 'Oh be careful little eyes what you see'. Most likely in our Sunday School class as a young child. But in the very recent past, God let me hear it in a different way...

Be careful little eyes what you see, it's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings.
Be cautious of what you see. One look can cause you to lust. Ec 1:8 says, '... the eye is not satisfied with seeing...' A look at something inappropriate will cause you to want more, and eventually act on those thoughts and feelings.
A thought: Lucifer saw God & desired to be like Him & was cast into hell. Could it be, if he had not looked upon God in that way, (if he was careful about what he saw) would he have been cast into hell?
Look at the right things... have Godly role models and see the things God wants you to see.
Be careful what you see.

Be careful little ears what you hear, when flattery leads to compromise the end is always near.
Choose what you hear... choose not to listen to secular music, a dirty joke, etc. If you let flattery compromise your morals and your values, the end will be near. Listen to the things of God and what's in His Word.
Be careful what you hear.

Be careful little lips what you say, empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray.
Pro. 10:32: 'The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness'. Instead of speaking wickedness: gossip, lies, etc. speak about the things of Jesus. Someone may be at their breaking point... you can be an encouragement by speaking the things of God.
Be carful what you say.

Be careful little feet where you go, for it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow.
Your feet can take you places you don't need to be... A dark corner with a girl/boy, down a dirty magazine aisle, etc. Be careful where your feet take you. Whether you know it or not, someone is always watching you. Be an example... the example that God wants you to be.
Be careful where you go.

Is. 64:6 says, 'But we are all as an unclean thing, and our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away'.
People do not backslide overnight. People don't crumble in one day... it's a process... a slow fade.
The Bible is in black & white... none of it is a grey area. But when black & white turn to grey, when thoughts invade your mind, and you make choices, a price will be paid when you give yourself away to a slow fade.

Be sure that you're where you need to be in God, because if you think you're standing, you just might be sinking.

Be careful of what you see, hear, speak, and where you go... and DO NOT FADE!!!
