Monday, December 28, 2009

God of Wonders

Ever look around and think, "How'd all this get here?" Things we see everyday we pass up and don't even notice. Things that are unseen don't even occur to us. Do you ever think of all that God has made? He holds time in His hands, the entire world is His footstool. The stars and galaxies, heaven and earth, etc. It's an amazing thing that all things were spoken into existence by Him.

I've heard some people say, "If God is so wonderful, then why doesn't He work things out for me?" Well, God can and God will. He can do anything. His Word says to cast your problems on Him and He will take of you (Ps 55:22 NLT). If we would just pray and tell Him our problems and our situations, He would answer our prayer. He knows what we need before we even ask (Mt 6:8). So what do you need? What are you searching for? What kind of miracle do you need in your life?

I'm reminded of a story in Joshua. The children of Israel were about to cross over Jordan and take the city of Jericho. Joshua told them to sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you (Jsh 3:5). Before you can expect wonders, you must live right. Sanctify yourself, live the way God wants... not what you want. His will, not your own.

In the next chapter it tells of the priest who carried the Ark of God stood in the Jordan river and all the people crossed over. What stands out to me in this is that it says that when the waters parted, the people hastened and passed over (Jsh 4:10). When you arm yourself with God's Word and He begins to work in your life, you can run full-force into what lies ahead. Rise up and hasten to your season! Your new beginning is on the other side of the river in front of you. Run and pass over it. Pass over your problem and leave it behind.

Joshua and the children of Israel walked around the walls of Jericho once for six days. On the seventh day, it says they rose early about the dawning of the day and marched around the city just like before; only this time they walked around the walls seven times (Jsh 6:15). When they finished walking, when the priest blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, Shout; for the Lord has given you the city (Jsh 6:16).

Sometimes this life isn't easy. Sometimes you feel like you're walking in pointless circles; but just hold on. God is with you. When you don't know what to do, when you don't know how the bills will get paid, just take the hand of God and walk with Him... wherever He leads you. God will lead you and guide you and never lead you wrong. He's put you in this place for a purpose. You may not be able to see how things are going to end or where you'll end up, but remember God is leading you. He will place you in His perfect plan, and you can shout because God has given you your city. He will give you the answers to problems, to whatever is hindering you and holding you down.

Just think about it... the same God that created the universe, the same God that brought an entire city's walls down flat, that same God is with you and will work for you in your life. He is going to do something great in your life and in the upcoming year. We simple humans cannot fathom what God can really do for us. He is our God of wonders! He is a wonderful God!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Mile-Long Walk

It seems that every time you find something good, there is something bad to try and stop it. People talk, situations arise, things happen. But isn't it said that everything happens for a reason? I wonder why sometimes... What reasons are there for certain things that happen? There are things in this life that just do not make any sense at all.

We've all been at this point at some time in our lives. We feel the hurt, experience the pain of this life, we get cut down and stabbed in the back by so called friends, etc. We don't understand some things, we can't put our finger on exactly why some things happen. Have we put our faith in our wandering eyes? What we see and experience happening around us isn't always for the reason we think it is.

Before the threads of time began, before any of us were even here on this earth, there was a pre-ordained plan. There was a man to be on this earth and do something no one had ever done or ever will do.

Jesus came to this earth on which we live. His purpose for being born was to die... we know this story, but do we really grasp what happened while He was here??? Jesus came and experienced every single thing a person could go through. He did more than die for us... He came and walked a mile in our shoes. He has been through everything we go through. He did so that He could know just exactly what we feel and what we go through.

We were made in the image of God (Ge 1:26). We were made to serve Him. This was all foreseen before the earth was hung in the universe. I don't know about you, but my life went in a different way for a time. I went astray and I violated the bond that God and I had. I'm not proud of it in any way, but I'm forever grateful that Jesus had already walked down that road I was on. He knew what I felt and what I was going through.

He walked down a dusty road for you and me, forgiveness was His anthem. He experienced all pain, all suffering, and everything imaginable so He would know how we feel. Scientists say that Jesus carried the cross just about two kilometers; that is equal to one mile... think about that; those same feet that walked a mile in our shoes were later nailed to a cross for our salvation, His back beaten for our healing.

So when you think you're alone, when you're hurt and everyone seems to be against you, remember Jesus has already been there. He sees your hurt, He sees every tear you've cried. Remember that He went through it all just for you. He didn't keep Himself away from anything, He is no stranger to the pain you go through.

When you're at your wits end, when you don't know what to do or where to turn, remember that road has already been taken. Give your hurt and your problems to Him. He's already been through it, so He knows exactly how to fix it. Cast your cares and worries on Him, because He cares for you (I Pe 5:7). He's already walked a mile in your shoes.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Flesh Denied

I remember getting my first car... the one in my name and that I was paying for. It was a 2006 Jeep Liberty, dark navy, grey leather interior, power everything, 6-CD player, the works. I was unaware how involved getting the new car really worked. I found out quickly that you need a lender and then have to work out all the many details. I was thinking, "People get new cars all the time. This should be a quick and painless process". Little did I know, the next day I went to the car dealership only to see my stack of papers that said, "Loan Denied". I couldn't believe it!

Well, the story goes that I eventually got the car and enjoyed it thoroughly. I kept thinking about the first lender we tried to use... why did they deny me? What did I do wrong? I wanted that new car, but it seemed like I was looking in the wrong places.

This got me thinking... we have all this 'stuff' we can buy and it supposedly makes us happy, but give it time... when the new wears off, we go right back to getting that new car smell in our lives. It's the same with religion and churches today. We live in an age where Christianity has become a product. From Christian mints, to bobble head Jesus figurines, the faith has been commercialized to the point that we go to the church of our choice, we rate the preacher or music, we'll even opt for online community because sacred space and live people seem to be too inconvenient. We've created consumer Christians who are more dissatisfied their spiritual walk than ever.

However, the true Christian message is one of denial, not convenience. A cross-less church becomes stale bread and cheap wine. It has no power and therefore can be easily parodied and marketed.

Jesus said it this way, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself or be cast away? (Lu 9:23-25)

Looking for that new car smell in your life? You must deny your flesh daily. It's not about all the things we want, rather what God wants for us. His will and His timing is perfect. If we deny ourselves, lose our lives, and follow Him, then we will find our whole life and our entire reason of existence in Him. What good are material possessions? It's just stuff... you can't take it with you when you leave this world.

If you're in the market for something new, or the honeymoon stage in your life is long gone, I challenge you to give Jesus a chance. If you give up living for yourself and deny yourself, then your life will really be saved in Him. Deny yourself, and save your life.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Genesis II

I've been reading in the Old Testament lately. Reading and rereading to understand God's Word more. As I was reading I was thinking about how all this began. The Bible days, the first man and woman, the very beginning. The first book of the Bible is Genesis... where it all started. "In the beginning..."

Genesis is where it all began. I'm sure at some point all of us have thought about going back and redoing certain things in our lives. Reliving those times where we've made wrong decisions and bad choices... a new beginning of sorts. I wonder how we could have a new beginning...
I looked in John 1:3 - All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. So God made everything. This tells us Jesus' creativity. All things were made through Him and nothing was made without Him. He was involved of every aspect of creation. The Greek word for "made" is "ginomai", from which we get the English word "genesis". It means to come into being, to happen, or to become. God brought everything into being out of nothing. Everything in this universe was spoken into existence by God Almighty.

So if God made everything, that means He made you too; and if He made you once, it is safe to say that He can make you again. All throughout the Bible there are people who failed and sinned greatly, but were still made something great for God. David had an affair, Saul killed Christians, and the list goes on. In the end these men and women in the Bible were still used greatly for God and His kingdom.

Putting this all together... God made you in the beginning. He can make you again. He can and will give you a new start. The mercies of God are never consumed... they are new every morning (La 3:22-23). If you've fallen (and we all have) don't stay down. You're not forgotten and you are not alone. Get up and go on. Your past is over. You can have a new start today! The making of you life story has just begun. Pick yourself up and move forward with your new beginning in Him!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Rise Up

As a young boy I had a tendency to fall a lot... Yes, I know it's funny. I usually fell while playing sports or something, but there were those random times I'd just trip and fall for no apparent reason. Now that I'm older, I've graduated from falling to just running into things. You know, doors, walls, etc. I realized as kid that if I didn't get up when I fell, I'd never get anywhere. I would just lay there defeated and never get any better or get past what made me fall in the first place.

Going through this life, we all have our times when we fall down. We face situations and circumstances that test us and put us through what we think is the worst thing ever. However, the Word of God states that tribulation works patience (Ro 5:3). Did you ever think that what you're going through is just God trying to teach you something? It's the testing and trying of our faith that make us strong.

What you have to do is remember what God said in His Word, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you" (He 13:5). God is with you no matter what. No matter what situation is staring at you, God is right beside you.

Bounce back from your circumstance. You have the power, God is with you, and no weapon formed against you will prosper (Is 54:17). You don't have to sit silently while the enemy screams lies in your ears. You don't have to sit paralyzed with fear of what the devil tells you. RISE UP! Stand on the Word of God, claim His promises, stand against the enemy and he will be brought down by the power that is in Jesus name.

God has a plan and purpose for you and your life. The callings from God you feel on your life are irrevocable. They never change or expire. You're not here by accident. You are here to fulfill a divine purpose that God Himself has designed for you.

Wait on God's timing, listen to His voice and follow His instructions, then watch what He does with your life. We pray and ask God to guide our steps, but we have to be willing to move our feet in whatever direction He takes us.

You are here for a reason. Don't doubt that for a second! Don't question what God has already told you. You may slip and fall, but don't stay there. Get up, dust yourself off, and rise above it. It's time to rise up!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

You Got The Right ONE Baby

When I was 16 years old, I had a job working as a pharmacy technician. I loved it! It was so cool all the things that are involved in medicine and the medical industry as a whole. One of the things I learned was reading scripts. A doctor would write an order for a patient and then it comes to us. After all the information is entered in the system I'd have to see which drug to dispense. On the order would say, "Dispense as Written" or "Substitutions Allowed". This was for generic or brand name medicine.

I was thinking yesterday about how people have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (II Ti 3:5). Basically they're substituting things for God and the things of Him. They're sacrificing things instead of having the whole gospel and the whole truth. Instead of having Jesus and Him crucified (I Cor 2:2), they have a 'substitutions allowed' form of God and church.

The title of this post probably makes you laugh... It refers to the familiar 1991 jingle of Ray Charles about Diet Pepsi. They sing about having the right one. It's irresistible, simply sipable, etc. Still, to me something is wrong with this. It's DIET Pepsi... it's just a form of the regular Pepsi. Same with Coke, Dr. Pepper, or any other diet drink. No matter how many commercials say that Diet Dr. Pepper taste the same as regular Dr. Pepper, it still doesn't compare to the real thing.

Same with God!!! There's nothing that compares to Him! Nothing comes close to being the real thing. You can try different things in your life to try and make it sufficient, but at the end of the day it's still not the real thing. There is only one God, there is only one way to heaven, and it's the real thing!

The only thing that will save you, the only thing that will help you and turn your life around is Jesus... The real thing. The one, true, genuine God Almighty and His holy ghost in you. There's love, joy, peace, and power in the holy ghost. If you don't have it, you can get it. It's promised to you by God Himself in His Word. It says to repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and you will receive the holy ghost. It's a promise to you, your children, and to everyone that's far away (Acts 2:38-39).

Jesus and His holy ghost! There's no substitutes for that. You can try other things and try to fulfill your life. No matter what, drugs, sex, money, alcohol... none of that will ever compare to Jesus. He won't make you feel empty and alone. He will never leave you or forsake you (He 13:5).

Try Jesus. With Him you got the right One baby... uh huh.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Like You

A lot of times people come up to me and tell me I look like someone they know. I've been told I look like Vince Vaughn, the guy off the E channel, and a few others. Then there are those people who could swear that I'm their long lost third cousins brother's wife's step-nieces great uncle... twice removed. The fact still remains that I am just plain ole me... no matter who people say I look like.

I could be like a lot of people. I could mimic their actions and how they talk, even dress like them. It's safe to say that I could be just like them, but then I wouldn't really be myself. The truth is that we're all alike in some way or another. Whether a little or a lot, we all resemble someone else. The choice of who we resemble is ours. Who will you look like?

Everyone has their share of life's problems. There are people who do you wrong, there's things that happen that can't be helped, and there are things that the enemy uses to attack you and your life. What you will do when this happens makes the difference. You could be mean, angry, fake, cold, ruthless, weak, senseless, etc. Or you could be different...

I've always tried to live by a simple question: "Why blend in when you were made to stand out?" The reality is that God called each and every one of us to be different. We are told to come out from among the world and be separate (II Cor 6:17). You could be like those that hurt you and take advantage of you, or you could be like Jesus and turn the other cheek. You could be vengeful and to those that harmed your life, or you could forgive.

We could all be just like them or just like Him! We are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). It's said that if you get close enough to a person and look in their eyes, you can see a reflection of yourself. We are the apple of God's eyes. We can see ourselves in Him because we were made in His image... but can He see Himself in us???

Jesus overcame the world (John 16:33). So that tells me no matter what your situation, no matter how your life seems right now, you were made to overcome! You were made to rise above! You can do it, you can make it, and nothing formed against you shall prosper (Is 54:17). It's time to rise up! You don't have to stay in the same situation you're in. You will have problems, but you don't have to stay down. When you fall, you will get back up (Mal 7:8).

Take courage, child of God. There is always hope in Him. It's time to rise up and be like Him! Let it be said that you are just like Him!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Passion for what?

I'm sitting in a local cafe at the same table I always get. This place is ideal for studying, writing, etc. Something I've noticed this past week is the same older men here everyday. I feel like I should know all of them by name. I would say these guys are all around 65 or older. Their topics of conversation range anywhere from politics to family and so on. Today's topic is football.

I can't help but overhear their conversation. Some take UT's recent loss better than others. Some, however, want to take action against the entire opposing team. One even said that they should take the player who blocked the field goal attempt and throw him into a raging river. It's only football dude... seriously.

This makes me think. Sitting in this little nook the past week I've gotten to know these guys a little... whether they know it or not. I listen to them and their life stories. The majority have lived in this town since they were born. Some of their parents were pillars in this community. So when their team loses, they get upset, they want to do something. Maybe they can't actually do anything about the loss, but they sure do want to do something!

Initiative. Passion. You want to do something... anything... but you just don't know exactly what to do. Does anyone besides me ever feel that way? Your life doesn't really have anything bad to speak about, but no great good to be proud of either. This takes us beyond having nothing to be ashamed of to being ashamed if we do nothing.

Our lives for God should not just be simply lived. We need to do something... anything! The passion these guys here have for a team or their belief in politics is amazing. They've actually done something to determine their town's Mayor, Governor, etc. It may have been small, but they did something. In I Samuel 14 Jonathan and tells his armor bearer, "Come, let's go over to the Philistines..." A few verses later, the two slaughter about 20 Philistines. It may have been only 20 men, but they did something.

As Christians, we know what the Word of God says. We have the knowledge in our minds but sometimes lack the passion in our hearts. Knowledge isn't power until you act. Even waiting on God is proactive activity. God designed us to move through this life intentionally, to live life on purpose, to make each day count.

Where is your passion? Where is your purpose? What drives you to get up everyday? Are you living or simply existing? I challenge you today to live your life on purpose. God has a plan and a purpose for you. Why settle for less when God has more for you? Even if you think you've messed up or gone too far... what are you doing about it? People's response to having done something wrong is not to do something right, but to do nothing at all.

There's more for you. God has a purpose for you and your life. You are here for a reason. Take action in your life. Do something. Even if it's small at least you'll be doing something. We have put so much emphasis on avoiding the bad that we have become virtually blind to the endless opportunities for doing the good God has for us.

Today, live on purpose, take initiative, and see what God has waiting for you when you actually do His Will. Three words that separate Jonathan from most of us is, "Come, let's go". He simply acted on what needed to be done.


Friday, October 23, 2009


Sometimes late at night when I can't sleep, I'll turn on my tv and try to find something boring to watch and fall asleep. People tell me to read and I'll fall asleep, but I'm an avid reader and will try and finish the book before sleep hits me. One of those sleep-deprived nights was just a while back. Looking for a boring show I have no interest in, I came across a cop show of the world's most outrageous car chases... or something like that. The police put out a BOLO on a particular suspect. Apparently the man fleeing from police was of great importance for seven sheriff cars to be chasing him.

I got to thinking about what BOLO means. The police put out these BOLO's because they are trying to find someone and want everyone else to be aware of whoever they're looking for. BOLO stands for Be On the Look Out. This intrigued me even more...

The Bible says to, "Watch and pray..." (Mt 26:41) Maybe we should all put out a BOLO on Jesus. Be on the look out for Him and His Will for our lives. If we seek Him we will find Him. If we draw near to Him, He will come near to us (James 4:8)

On my run this morning I was reminded of a place in the Bible I read recently... Psalm 23. A familiar passage. Notice that there is constant movement in this chapter... He leads me beside still waters... He leads me in the paths of righteousness... Walk through the valley of the shadow of death... Goodness and mercy shall follow me... There is constant moving here. So living for God is constant moving... That means God will not let you be comfortable, stale or complacent. He's more interested in your growth than your comfort.

Tying this all together... God speaks in the Old Testament, "For I am the Lord, I change not;" (Mal 3:6) If God is perfect and He never changes, that must mean we need to change. Forget your past and leave it behind. Be on the look out for Him and for His Will. Prepare yourself and get ready. Your destiny awaits you and it's coming. Just follow Him into the future He has for you. Be on the look out and move into His perfect Will in His perfect time.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Worthy Or Not, Here He Comes

I've been listening to some good preaching this morning. Turned on the radio and there it was. The man on the radio was talking about the coming of Jesus. I had never heard of this man before, but it intrigued because he was preaching Jesus name and straight up truth. The man (Mike) was talking about the return of Jesus and something he said triggered something in me.

We're all human and we make mistakes. We strive for excellence and struggle to be found good enough in the sight of Almighty God. We often become discouraged and frustrated with ourselves when we try so hard and still fall short. Our desire to overcome is often overtaken by the ever-present law we find within us that takes us into captivity. Paul writes of this in Romans 7:23 - "But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." Though we battle to put this law of sin away for good, it just seems to pop up somewhere else; but hey, we're human right...?

Sounding familiar to you yet?

In Luke 21:36, Jesus speaks and tells us to, "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." The fact that Jesus advises us to pray that we be counted worthy only suggest that we will not fully succeed in overcoming all the sin we're in by ourselves. His words indicate that if we remain humble, continue to try to grow, improve, and overcome, then our faith in His grace, given through the sacrifice of Christ for each of us, will cause us to be "counted worthy" to be saved.

Jesus is coming soon. His Word is being fulfilled and the stage is being set for the second coming. No matter where you are or what you're doing, when God comes back you will not be excluded from judgement. We have to check ourselves daily. Watch and pray always. There will be no time to pray and get right when Jesus comes back. He will split the sky wide open and ready or not, He will come. Be ready.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Take A Walk

Around this time last year, I started going to a local park and walking. I usually start out walking then I run. It clears my head, puts a lot of things in perspective, and just makes me feel better. I like doing this and it really does help me... yes even in the cold temperatures of the early morning that have been here lately.

However, I did not go today. For some reason I was just unmotivated or something... I sat in a local cafe and wondered why I wasn't outside at that particular moment. I thought about why I run. I do it to stay in good health and all those reasons, but I was thinking about where I get at the end of my run. I go down the path, around the bend, and back to the starting point. I have a destination in mind. I have a goal to get to the end of the pathway and back, and I often miss the beautiful scene that surrounds me... I don't really enjoy the things that are around me because I'm focused on simply finishing and that's it.

Often times we take our walk with God this way. We have a destination in mind and are constantly striving just to get there. Yes, heaven is our goal, but that doesn't mean we have to continually struggle for a finish. Instead, why not walk with God in a way that does not consist of simply an end?

I run with a purpose and a destination, but I don't want my walk with God to become such a thing. Instead of striving to just survive and get to our final destination, sit back and enjoy the life God has given you. Instead of a destination, have a relationship. Again, heaven is our goal, but we don't have to rush and miss out on everything that God has in store for us.

Enjoy the life God has given you. Take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself to you. Don't miss out on the things He wants for you because of your tunnel vision. Rather than just, "God save me and get me into heaven" try "God, I love you. Thank you for another day. I'm gonna do all I can for you today and enjoy everything you've given me".

Do you just have a destination, or do you have a relationship?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Breaking The Code

Ever watched the show about the magician that shows you how he does all the tricks? I stumbled upon this show the other night. Didn't really mean to, just kinda happened. I was sitting there watching this guy show exactly how a magician does the 'magic'. Someone said that a magician will only let you see what he wants you to see. As a spectator, you don't see what's really going on. Your mind is being tricked to think that what you see happening in front of you is in fact reality.

No surprise here, but it got me thinking of this in depth... The devil is a magician in his own form. He plays tricks on you and me and only shows us what he wants us to see. He shows the parties and how much fun in can be to experience drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. He doesn't show the messed up minds, the diseases, the car wrecks that takes lives, etc. He's trying to fool us into believing that we can live it up with no consequence.


The devil is a liar and the father of all! We have to see past what he shows us. The enemy would love nothing more than to see us fall into his trap, but knowing that he is out to make us fall and to get us away from God is our advantage. We know what he's up to and we know what we must do.

Break the enemy's code! See through the tricks he is trying to play on you and the trap he wants you in. Look to Jesus, look to His Word. What does He have to say about what's going on in front of you? Trust in the Almighty God! Don't be swayed by the tricks of the devil. Look not to the left or the right and keep your foot from evil (Pro 4:27). Just keep pushing past the enemy and you will overcome! You can do it... Break the code in Jesus name!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

What A Day That WON'T Be

"What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see..." Every time I hear this song it just makes such an impact on me. Thinking about that day when I see my Saviour face to face. Thinking about being with my God for eternity, walking on streets of gold. The song talks about what a day that will be...

It's a great song with a great message, but I got to thinking about it a little more... What a day that won't be. There won't be anymore hurt, pain, sorrow, tears, dying, etc. In heaven with my sweet Jesus, there will be no more fear of what may happen. There will be no more crying and worrying about situations that cause us so much strife down here. There is not going to be anymore loved ones dying, no more dealing with the troubles and trials of this life, no more temptation, no more sickness, we'll face no more darkness...

Jesus Christ will be the light and we will be with Him for eternity! What a day it will be when we don't have to face the things of this life. Don't get me wrong, it's not so bad down here on earth. God has given us so much, such a life and so many things to be thankful for. We are blessed beyond measure. I'm just saying that it will be so much better when we're with Him.

In the meantime, why not enjoy the life we have? God has given us so much opportunity, yet so little take advantage of it. We have the great opportunity to witness and to show people Jesus everyday. Let your light shine, let your life be a witness to those around you. May people see Him in you and all you do.

He is coming soon and what a day it will be! But as soon as we get to heaven, there will be no more opportunity to share God's Word with this world, no more chances for people to be saved. That's the main point of this blog post... Let's take our God-given opportunity and win this world for Him. Then they too can enjoy that wondrous day of our Lord!


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


There is a company out there called Life Lock. It is supposed to prevent identity theft and secure your good name... as their slogan states, "Guarantee Your Good Name". I've seen the commercials for this company... I believe it's the CEO that has his actual social security number posted everywhere throughout the commercial. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I was told he got his identity stolen.

Whether or not that last sentence is true, there is something much better than Life Lock out there for you and me. It's not an insurance company, but it offers the best coverage. It's not a retirement plan, but has the greatest rewards. It's not an identity theft corporation, but has the best protection. It's called prayer.

My pastor has really been teaching lately on the subject of prayer. I got to thinking about this more in depth... We have the greatest thing at our disposal, we have a way to go straight to God Himself, yet a lot of times we don't take advantage of it. Prayer is a way we can get answers, healing, deliverance, etc.

There's something about the power of prayer. If you talk to God, He will talk back to you. It's sweet communion with Jesus Christ. There are some who just want the "perks" of living for God, the blessings and good things but they don't want to live the life and dedicate themselves to Him. It takes work... it's a sacrifice to your flesh.

There is nothing better than having a relationship with Jesus. He is the only one that can take your life and make everything better. Dive into a relationship with Him. It can only get better when you have Him as your number one priority. You'll have security beyond your imagination. You'll not only "guarantee your good name", but guarantee a great life and a wondrous eternity. Push past your flesh and carnality, and lock your life in Him.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rocket Science

I am currently in school for Accounting. It gets frustrating and I feel like throwing my textbook across the room and never picking it up, but what normally happens is that I just walk away and do something to get my mind off school. Afterwards, I go back to studying because I want a good education and that textbook is helping me get it.

Sometimes the ins and outs of so many different types of accounting gets hard to me and I say things like, "What's the point?" I'm sure all college students feel this way at some point. I'm required by my university to take biblical classes also. Those are always easy for me... then I got to thinking...

The Word of God, Jesus, living for Him, etc. It's not hard at all. It's so easy to love Him and to serve Him with my whole heart. I think about how God came down as a man and died just for me, how He saved me when I was a young boy, how He has healed me time after time, how His mercy has spared me and His forgiveness gave me a new start... How easy it is for me to love Him! Everywhere I go, no matter what I do, He is always there.

You see, people use the cliche, "It's not rocket science" for things that are simple. This is one of those things. This life of mine, serving my God, it is so easy and so simple. Jesus loves each and every one of us and desires to do good for us. All we have to do is surrender our will to His and live our lives for Him. He died for us, the least we can do is live for Him.

It's not rocket science here... Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8) His Word never changes, His promises are sure, they are yes and amen (IICor 1:20) After everything that my Jesus has done for me, I find it so easy to love Him, so easy to live for Him. It's so easy.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Never Forget

Today is the anniversary of a horrific event that happened just a couple years ago. 9/11... a date which will always live in infamy just like December 7, 1941. The tragedy of so many lives lost in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the lives that were boarded on each plane. Everyone remembers exactly where they were when they heard the news of 9/11. We will always remember what happened to our country.

There is another event in history that stands out to me. It was about 2000 years or so ago. Jesus Christ came to this earth as a man. He was tempted in all ways just like you and me, but He was without sin. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. A gruesome death... He was beaten, bruised, crowned with thorns, and hung on a cross.

Two events here... Today it seems that only one is getting attention. The attacks of 9/11 were tragic and horrible to say the least. We always remember, especially on this date. How much more should we remember what Jesus did for us some 2000 years ago?!

Everyday it should be remembered. Jesus died, but He died for you and me. Where were you when Jesus found you? When He came to you in the midst of you distress, just when you were about to give up, He found you and saved you... do you remember?

I remember where I was when the World Trade Center was hit, but more importantly I remember the night God came down and saved me. The greatest thing in this life is when God comes straight to you and saves you. No greater love than a man that laid down His life for us. Now that's something to remember... NEVER FORGET.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Be The Quiet

In our daily lives we all have problems and situations we face. Some we can't avoid no matter how hard we try, but there are some that we alone are responsible for. We can get so angry and cold-hearted to the person or people who try to help us. Kinda like, biting the hand that feeds us. We run into oceans of problems and it simply drowns us, but remember that we chose to run into it ourselves. Sort of cliche' but it's true.

If we choose to keep doing the same thing over and over, keep pushing away the people that try to help, ignoring ones that give good advice, etc. we will soon break down and crumble. When you push and push someone or something so much and so far, pretty soon there won't be anyone to help you anymore.

Same with God... The Bible says that His spirit will not always strive with man (Gen 6:3). In other words, He's not going to struggle with us as humans forever. God is a perfect gentleman... He's not going to force anything on us.

The choice is up to us. Why should we choose anything other than God? We have this All-powerful, Almighty God that is reaching out to us, offering help, He wants to take our problems and fix them, and we turn away? Why would we ever turn God away and not accept His help? Problem is we tend to think we have it all under control. We think we can do it all by ourselves and be okay. That is nothing short of a lie. We can't do it alone. We won't survive if we try to make it without God.

We create problems by not trusting God and letting Him lead our lives. We rely on ourselves and it never ends up good. God knows best and His ways and His will is perfect. So in the trials of your life, will you let God be the peace that passes all understanding? Will you let Him fight your battles and take your burdens? Will you let Him be the quiet in the storm that you created?


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I was recently on the coast of California. For a solid week, I woke up to the sound of ocean waves crashing against the rocks. One day I got up really early and went to the end of the pier. I sat there and watched the horizon as the sun slowly started to appear. The light hit my eyes and I just took in the spectrum of wonder. It was an incredible sight to witness. I remember thinking, "how could something so spectacular happen everyday, but people miss it and take it for granted?"

The sunrise on the Pacific was a great sight to say the least. So beautiful. But something else takes precedence here. The fact that our Father God created us all in His likeness and in His image. Spectacular? You bet. Even more than that, Jesus came to this earth and died for us. He was beaten for our healing, He died for our sins so that we could be saved. How beautiful!

We all have our life's problems we face everyday. Things happen and we don't have control over them. We have those things that we even try to hide from everyone else. But the great thing is that we have one we can run to and be made free from all of our problems.

Jesus came to this earth and died for you and me. What is more beautiful than that? Here's the thing... We are made in the image and likeness of God. So with Him living in us, we too are beautiful. Despite what others try to tell you to tear you down and make you feel like you're nothing, you are God's child, His creation. You and everything you do can be beautiful in Him... and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish the work of our hands (Ps 90:17). That lets me know that we have the beauty of our Creator and it can come out in our lives.

Whatever your situation, no matter what people try to tell you, you are made in the image of God. Despite what you've done in your past, the ugliness and the horror of those things that used to be have been washed away by His blood. The darkest of nights disappear when He comes in the picture. He made you beautiful. Rise above those things that try to keep you down. Come out of your situation and let God see what a beautiful thing He made when He made you.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tick Tock

Time. Since the beginning of mankind, time has always been running out. Time is short. It doesn't wait for anyone. No matter what you think about it... like there's not enough of it, etc. time just keeps ticking and ticking away. Notice how people always say time is ticking away. It never comes toward you.

Time is a luxury that none of us can afford to waste. It's too precious and valuable too just do nothing with it. We all have this gift called time. How we choose to use it is up to each of us as individuals.

We can look at time a couple ways here... People say that they "don't have time" for certain things. For instance, people don't have time to attend church, or pray, or live for God, etc. But what does that really mean? You don't have time for church because you work on Sunday's. So really you have time, but you just choose to spend it at work on Sunday. Get it?

On the other hand, we can view time a different way. I don't have time to: gossip, ridicule people, live the way I want, back bite, fade away from God, etc.

We have time in our hands. We just have to choose to do the right thing with it. We can choose to succumb to the things of this world like jobs, money, things that keep you away from God and the church... Or we can say that we don't have time for anything other than what God wants for us.

You choose what to do with your time. Whatever you do with it is up to you. But think about this: Jesus is soon to return. The time clock of this world and this life is winding down and will soon be no more. Time is a luxury that none should waste. Get busy doing the things for God. That's the only things that will last. Sure we might have to work hard and fast, but that just means we'll be doing a work for God and spending our time wisely. In doing that, our minds and lives will be occupied with Him and His work and we won't have time to be distracted or swayed by the things of this world.

We can spend our time foolishly or we can spend our precious time spreading God's Word, doing His work, and helping others... the choice is yours. How will you spend your time...?


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mind's Eye

One of the hardest thing to do for some people is to trust another person. To truly trust another human takes a lot. To our humanistic way of thinking, we always have that thought in the back of our mind that the other person is going to end up being a liar and betraying us. We hope that we're not going to be made to look like a fool or regret it that we trusted in another, but there's no doubt that it crosses your mind when you give in and truly trust someone.

There are individuals, some I know personally, that think this way: If you can't see it, feel it, have it proved then it's not real or not gonna happen...
It's hard to believe in what you can't see, but that's exactly what faith is. Can you catch the wind? Can you see the breeze? Of course not, but you know it's there. You can't see it, but you know it's there.

You can't trust only what you can see with your natural eyes. Trust and faith in God is what it's all about. Your mind's eye can show you more than what you see with your natural eyes. A mind's eye is defined as being able to see things with only your mind and not your eyes. Example: Have you ever actually seen a million dollars? No? That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Same way with God and things of the supernatural. In my mind I can see the face of Jesus smiling down on me. Despite my problems or fears, in my mind's eye I can see that I'm where I belong because I'm wrapped in His arms. I can ride the storm, endure the pain because He is my comfort even in the worst hurricane of my life's troubles.

Like the million dollars; have you ever seen God? No man has seen God, but it does not mean that He doesn't exist. Faith is believing what you cannot see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (He 11:1).

We can't just trust and hope in what we can physically see with our human eyes. Rather, see and believe what is in your mind's eye. A spiritual vision of sorts.
Despite your situation or problems you may have, trust in the Almighty God. Look in your mind's eye and see yourself healed, see yourself saved, delivered, free, etc. In your mind's eye you can walk through anything and climb any mountain that you face. Your mind's eye is simply your faith.

You're not alone. Jesus is with you. You may not be able to physically see Him, all you may see is what's going on around you, but check your mind's eye and see and believe what He has for you.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Bye Bye Bye

Today marks an important time in my life. I've had some real battles the past year. It's only by God that I've made it through and that I'm still going forward. I look back over my life in just the past 365 days and I am amazed. There was time when I didn't think I was going to make it. My life fell apart and I've got some scars to prove it. More and more my demeanor looked like quicksand. The pain kept going deeper into my soul. The problems I had were pulling me under, they had a tight grip around my throat trying to choke the very life out of me. My life was overwhelming.

But God was there! I look back and even though I didn't understand then, God had me in the palm of His hand the entire time. Even when times came that I made some progress and I felt like giving up everything I'd worked for, Jesus would pick me up and set me straight.

My past is gone! Your past is gone! There's no need to go looking for your past or the mistakes you made in it. The future is wide open for you. God is with you... don't turn your back on the greatest thing that you've ever had. Jesus is the only hope we have!

Embrace a new start today. Whatever you have in your past, forget it! Leave it behind you and move on... Move on in Jesus. Shake it off, pick yourself up, remember what you just learned, and move forward. It's time to gain some good ground.

Whatever is in your past, God forgave you and forgot about it. You have a new start, a second chance! Take this chance and see what God has in store. You don't have to live with the regret and pain of your past. you've got your own life to lead. You've got a new start. You've got Jesus!

Wave goodbye to the past and keep moving forward!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Missing Pages

Ever been reading a magazine, book, etc. and discover that somethings missing? A page or two torn out... it drives me absolutely crazy. I just can't stand not knowing what was supposed to be there. I think about what the pages might have said, what information would be given to me if I had what was written on the torn out pages. The book or magazine obviously appeared worth reading or I wouldn't have picked it up, but now I'm at a loss because there is something missing.

We could relate our lives somewhat to this. On the outside people see the facade, see the clay that hides the true light of who you really are. No one knows the pain you feel, what you're up against, and how bad it really hurts. It's like you're fading away from your family, friends, church, and even your true self. There's nothing anyone can do to bring you back. The addictions you have and the black hole you've dug yourself into is just a symptom of a lost and dying soul.
You may feel that no one even knows you anymore, that you're lost inside the walls you've built with your own hands, feel like prisioner deep within your soul... There is hope. But there is only hope with Jesus.

There is so much more for you. This is NOT the end. There's hope in Jesus, but it's up to you. It's all in your hands and you have to choose not to throw it away... a chance, a hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. Despite what people may say or what you may think, you and your life are beautiful. You are God's child and His image, His beauty is underneath your skin.

Whatever situation you are faced with right now, there is one who sees it all. Jesus knows what you're going through. He sees the pain you have, He knows your thoughts and how you feel... He wants you to be free. He will give you a life that you've never even dreamed of. God has so much in store for you... all you have to do is let Him have control. Give your life and all your problems to Him and He will take care of it because He cares for you and loves you.

This is not the end of the rope for you. There's a beautiful life with so much to give inside you. God can still use you. All you have to do is let Him. Don't give up. The pages of your life's book may be torn out by your past, but God can fill your life with so much... Love, peace, forgiveness, and so much more.

Despite your current situation, let go and let God have control. He can and will fill the missing pages.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Break Free

Those days of feeling down and out come to us all. There are times when I don't even feel like getting up in the morning. It's then I have to remind myself of something I already know and understand. God is on my side and I don't have to feel the way I do.

Every time I start to feel like a failure or like my life is going nowhere, I just have to shake it loose. I remind myself that I'm a child of the King and He still has a plan for me and my life. No one can take that away from me because only God gave it to me.

I think of how Pharaoh kept telling the children of Israel to go but then change his mind. It had to be hard for the people. Moses kept saying to let the people go so that they may serve the Lord their God. They were bound and trapped by the enemy and could not go and serve God. Anyone besides me feel like that sometimes?

The enemy may have you bound, you may think you're nothing and that there is no point in trying anymore... just shake it loose! Shake those chains off and be free. Break free from the disease of sin and what the devil tries to tell you. He is a liar and the father of all. Don't give in to what the enemy tries to whisper in your ear.

You have power over the enemy, God's Word says so... "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind" (II Ti 1:7). You have power so use it against the adversary. You have love and perfect love casts out fear. You have a sound mind... that's your peace.

Shake loose everything that tries to bind you up. God said you can make it so why listen to anything that tries to tell you otherwise?! You've got the power and the enemy knows that. Use the power that God gave you and break free!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Makes Me Wonder

Ever had those days where nothing you did was right? The days that seem like you shouldn't have even got out of bed and that nothing you do matters? You ask yourself things like, "What's the point?" or "Why try?" You find yourself questioning things like God and if He's even there, questioning your calling, your purpose, and even your very existence.

We've all been there I'm sure. We all wonder when the hurt will go away, when the situation will resolve, etc. It just makes you wonder where God is in all your dilemma and why He's not running to save you.

Don't get me wrong here, I've not had a bad day today. I'm just thinking of when we do feel this way, what we do about it and how we look at it. We can sit in our sorrow and blame everyone else, feel sorry for ourselves, or we can have a different outlook.

Romans 5:3 puts it this way: ...but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience. One version of this replaces 'tribulations' with 'suffering'. You may see what you're going through as suffering, but maybe God is trying to teach you something. Trials and things of this life come to make us stronger and to see what we're made of.

Things happen and situatinos come our way, but it's what we do with what we're faced with that will determine the outcome. You can take your problems, give them to Jesus and watch them turn around for the good.

When you get through your situation (and you will), you'll be better, smarter, stronger. Instead of thinking how bad everything is for you, take it like this... trials come to make us stronger and perfect us. It should make you wonder about what a great blessing that God has in store for you when you come through your problems. Yes, I said when because you will get through whatever comes your way with Jesus. Let Him take care of you. Then you can sit back and just ponder the great things He has for you after your storm.

Kinda makes you wonder now huh...


Monday, August 24, 2009


Well an interesting title to say the least. I recently got back home from being in Arizona for almost two months. One day I was there, me and some of my family were watching my nieces and nephews as they enjoyed one of their movies. A particular part of this flick had a tree, yes a tree, that said "hoot". It was pretty funny... Then, my three-year-old nephew, Andrew, started repeating it. Not the rest of the movie, just the hoot part. I even have a recording on my phone of him repeating that over and over.

The next few days went by and my family and I still had one word going over and over in our heads. Andrew kept saying "hoot" so much that we just couldn't forget it. What a three-year-old boy said affected us; our conversation, our thoughts, etc. We just could not get away from "hoot".

Don't get me wrong here, this was funny in all sorts of ways, but it got me thinking... One little guy said something so much and in such a way that it affected the people around him. Honestly, I still have "hoot" in my head.

Think about this... what if we were to do something similar to Andrew? Instead of saying "hoot" repeatedly, what if we were to say things and do things that had to do with God?!

I wonder if all we said had something to do with giving God glory and praise, how would it affect the people around us? How close would we be to Jesus if everything we said and did had to do with Him in some way?!

If we would all just have Jesus in our speech, our actions, our thoughts, etc. I believe that we can affect people around us... at school, work, restaurants, in everyday life, etc. Andrew kept saying one word that I don't think my family will ever forget... what if we spoke Jesus and His Word with everyone around us?! Just think how that would affect the people around us for the good. We have the ability to change things around us for the good. If we just speak Jesus. We do that by the things we say and do. People must see Him in us.

Think about it... just reflecting Jesus in all we say and do. The affects will be a hoot!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mirror, Mirror

The use of the mirror has evolved for me recently... I turned 23 a week and a day ago. Some tell me that I'm young, others tell me I'm old. When I look in the mirror, I see a guy who's getting older yes, but not one who is that old... even though I did find a grey hair.

We all use a mirror to see how we look. It's like the mirror is something we go to and say, "Am I good enough?" or "What do I need to change?" The mirror has always told us in sense who we are. But if we rely on a mirror, we will soon find it's not easy to try and be perfect.

Let's take a deeper look into our life's mirror... Take a look at your reflection. We need to remember the one who made us and look into His eyes. Because despite what we may see or think of ourselves, to Him, we have beauty beyond compare.

We look in the mirror and see all those little imperfections and start thinking of how to fix them. I believe in self-help and all, but when we become so obsessed with what we look like on the outside, we may be lacking in how we look to God on the inside. It may be a little disturbing seeing the flaws that you may have (inside and out), but the beautiful thing about this is knowing that God can fix us... whatever the need, whatever the situation.

What is a mirror to tell us that we're less than what we should be, or to tell us a long list of what to do for our self-improvement? A mirror does not define who we are. Jesus made each and every one of us. He is the one that tells us who we are, where we're going, and what to do.

Our life's mirror should be reflecting not how good we look or what a great person we are, but the mirror of our everyday life should reflect Him and His goodness. As Christians we are called to reach our world and show them Jesus, but how can anyone see God in us if we are too concerned with ourselves?

Jesus is the one who can take care of our problems, our flaws, failures, and whatever life brings us. He is the one who created us in His own image. Don't give in to the impression the mirror gives you. Despite what you me see with your physical eyes, you are beautiful and you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves you and sees you through the eyes of a Saviour.

Sorry mirror, you don't define me.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Falling For You

I am so in love!!! It's a great feeling! To think that I have someone that I can run to, depend on, and share my deepest feelings with is so amazing. We could run through anything together and if I fell behind, they would be right there to pick me up and help me along the way. I have a child-like love and it keeps on growing.

As great as this sounds, there was a time that I went my own way, away from the one I loved. I walked away and bought the lie that I didn't need them anymore. Even with that being said, they waited for me like a lover that wouldn't go of their bride. Even though I'd turned my back on them, they didn't seem to shed a tear about it. I think it's because they knew me so well that they knew I would be back.

When the storms of this life get to tough, when my feet were bruised from walking through rough terrains... when my life's winter season left me cold, lonely, and broken, they were right beside me.

In the midst of my troubles, I remembered my love. I came to my senses, came running back to the place where we had started. It was for real this time. I was falling head over heels again and it felt so right.

As some or all out there may think, I'm not talking about a girl I'm crazy about or even a person. No, I am talking about the one and only Jesus Christ. He is my life, my world, and my everything. I went astray in my past; but once I realized that He had never left me, once I figured out that He was right there waiting where we parted, I came running back to Him.

Jesus is all I need. I am a blessed man and it's all because of Him. I'm falling for Him over and over. My Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It feels so good to be wrapped in His arms. He never left me, it was me that chose to stay behind. His love gives me freedom to run back to Him when I fall.

Jesus. The greatest love that I've ever known!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Some of you out there that know me well know that I'm a baseball guy. I enjoy all sports, but I really like my baseball. I was watching a game last night. I wasn't all that into it because I was about to fall asleep. A player hit a grounder toward third, defense picked it up and threw to first. Usually this would've resulted in an out, but this batter had ran so hard he made it to first and was safe. This was right after he fouled the ball off his foot. This got me thinkin...

This player was hurt, but he played through his pain. You could say he was down, but not out. He made contact with the ball and took off hard and straight towards his goal. He had nothing on his mind except getting to that base to be safe.
How alike is our lives today, in a sense like this particular situation? We might get hurt and stumble along lifes journey, but we persevere. We finally see our problems start to resolve and get a little better. What the difference is between people who make it to first safe or get thrown out is our desire. Desire makes a way, lack of desire makes an excuse.

We are human. Problems come and life just happens, but it's what we do with the situations we are faced with that will make the difference. Will we give up, say it's too hard and get thrown out? Or will we run hard, straight, and with our eyes on the prize?

Unlike the player last night, our race is not for the swift or the really fast people, but it's for the ones that will endure. Our race toward heaven is a straight and narrow path, but if we keep our eyes on the prize as we press toward the mark of God's high calling (Phi 3:14), run steady and stay focused, we will be safe.

Jesus is our strong and mighty tower. The Bible says that His name is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe (Pro 18:10). He is our strong tower, a shelter, a fortress, a place where no fear, no doubt, and no evil thing can enter. The name of Jesus is our refuge.

Friends, run steady and straight. You may run into bumps in the road, you'll face things of this life that aren't so great, but just keep your eyes fixed on Him, keep your heart focused, and your mind made up. Run to our Jesus who is our strong tower, and you will be safe.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

3, 2, 1...

It's a countdown people! God is soon to return! Any minute, any second now... Pretty soon we'll see the eastern sky split wide open. I can't help but feel like shoutin right about now!

Sometimes I wish I could've been alive and seen Jesus walk this earth when He came here before. It would've been great to see Him perform miracles and just be around Him. But I think all of us today will get the better end of the deal. We get to see Him come again in all His glory to take His people away.

When Jesus was on this earth before, He had a plan. His sole purpose was to die for you and me. He was born just to die. But because of His death, we can live. Our sins are forgiven, we are healed because of what He came and did for all of mankind. The three nails and a piercing in His side made a way for us to live. We all know how this story goes, He died and rose three days later. But it was definitely not an easy road to travel for a man...

Three nails in His body, two outstretched arms (for you and me), and one crown. I really don't believe that it was the nails that kept Him there on the cross. He could've saved Himself yes, but His everlasting, uncomprehensible love for us is what made Him stay.

Jesus rose from the grave... but He had to go through a whole lot before that happened. Friends, it might be hard at times, but there is hope and there will be a better day for you. Jesus died for our salvation, He was beaten for our healing. Stand on His Word and claim your promise!

Things may get rough at times, but if we just take His hand and trust Him, He will lead us through it. We might have to endure the pain of this life... hey, we're human and things happen. But just like Jesus went to the cross before He rose from the dead, we can endure the hardships of this life. There's a blessing at the end of your hard road, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but there's not a crown without a cross.

Stand strong, push through your problems and situations. Soon, everything in this world will blow and be no more. We will be in heaven with our Saviour! Stand strong child of God. Jesus is soon to return for us! He's gonna split the sky wide open! Watch for it, He will come down undefeated, undisputed, in 3, 2, 1...


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Man Down

Ever felt like there is no point in getting up in the morning, going to work, or even living? Ever felt like, "What's the point?" or "Why am I here?" I'm sure at some time or another all of us have felt a little like this. Well take courage my friends... God has a plan for you and your life. You are here for a reason. No matter what happened in your past, no matter what mistakes you think have driven you too far away, God can still use you and make something great out of you.

You have a reason to live. God can and will make a way for you. But there's some things you have to do to prepare yourself for God's move in your life... The carnal man has to die. A man cannot serve two masters, so says the Word. You can't live the way you want and serve God at the same time. Surrender your life to the hands of Him. Your flesh will try to tell you otherwise and attempt to convince you that you're nothing and it's just not worth it... But keep that carnal man down. The old man has no reason to exist in your life. God gave you a brand new start. Die to your flesh, and live forever. (I Cor. 15:31 - ... I die daily.)

Your past is gone. It has no place in your life and the only one who will tell you otherwise is Satan himself. You are free from your sin! The carnal man has no reason to exist anymore. Crucify your flesh with a daily walk with God. Leave your burdens at the feet of Jesus like He says to do in His Word. (Ps 55:22) Keep that carnal man down, rise up and live forever! It's worth it all when we get to see Him.
