Then the worst thing happened; I was gazing at the sky and the grass beside me began to move. Thinking it was the wind, I ignored it. Until a man dove on top of me and began to choke the life out of me. It didn't matter how many times I had this dream, he always took me by surprise.
I'd wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, feeling nauseated. It always took what seemed like forever to fall back asleep and sometimes I didn't go back to sleep at all.
This went on for a long time. I had this dream maybe once or twice a month, sometimes more. However, no matter how many times I had this nightmare, I'd always wake up. It might've gotten to the point where I didn't think I was going to make it, or I may have felt like giving up, but I always woke up.
Nightmares are horrible! A living nightmare is even worse. Sometimes these are referred to as dreamscapes... it's a dream-like sometimes surreal scene one encounters.
I call dreamscapes 'living nightmares'. It's those circumstances that life gives you that make your world feel like a living hell. Torment, in a trance-like state, the enemy has a hold on you and you feel like you can't break free.
If you are in this sort of situation, or just going through something where you need to just break free and feel peace, I invite you to read Ps. 30:5 - "... weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
It doesn't matter how bad your nightmare or how unrelenting your dreamscape, there is joy waiting for you. Your night may be filled with terror, weeping, confusion, and fear; but God did not give us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and of a sound mind (II Ti. 1:7). That sound mind part is your peace, and God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (I Co. 14:33).
There is hope. You can have peace of mind. You can lay down at night and sleep without fear; for He gives His beloved sleep (Ps. 127:2).
Your peace is through Jesus Christ. He is a loving God and the author of our peace. He can take your nightmare and your dreamscape and turn it around for your good. He will be your strength and refuge. Turn to Him! Trust Him! It's not over for you. There's more to your life than what you're currently going through. He will turn your mourning into dancing, and your sorrow into joy (Ps. 30:11). Just hold onto Him... joy awaits you.
Think about it.
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