It annoyed me a lot in earlier years. Now, not so much... the glasses usually hide it. You know, it's a funny thing about scars, lines, and other marks you may have. When I see my annoying little line, I remember what happened, where, how bad it hurt, etc. Also, I remember not to do what I did to get the scar in the first place.
Much like our lives today, scars have a way of reminding us of what we have been through. We may be bruised, cut up with lots of scars, but we have come through.
Back to the line; on my face there is a line. The line reminds me of some pain I endured, but it also reminds me not to cross the unforeseen line to what led me to be hurt.
A line in your life could be more of a blessing than you might think. The line is where you stop serving the enemy and letting him have control of your life, where you stop serving your flesh and giving into your desires... not crossing that line anymore.
Jesus endured much pain and had many lines on His body. Calvary was not pretty. Jesus did not deserve to die or to be in pain. The cross is a picture of a man that knew no sin, but He became sin and was crucified so that you and I could live and have a chance. What are you doing with that chance?
The lines in your life are there for a reason. Don't be so disgusted with lines that are on or around you. I can deal with my line, my nose isn't that big of a deal to me. More importantly, the lines in my life are another reminder of what God has brought me through. He said that He will never leave me nor will He ever forsake me (He. 13:5). If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it. The Scripture says, Yea though I walk through the valley... (Ps. 23:4). Notice that word... through. You will have things that come your way, you will have troubles and circumstances, but God will bring you through!
I go back to what I stated previously in this post; Jesus gave you a chance, what are you doing with that chance? How long will you go? How far will you run in fear? Where and when will you draw the line?!
We're in a battle. We will fight the enemy until we reach heaven. Have you had enough running, being in fear, and constant strife? The devil cannot stand against the Most High God! Our lives are what we build upon the solid rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail... (Mt. 16:18).
God is on our side! He is our refuge against the enemy (Ps. 61:3) His name is a strong tower that we can run into and be safe (Pr. 18:10). Nothing formed against you shall prosper (Is. 54:17). You see where I'm going with this?
Nothing the enemy throws at you can keep you down. All that he tries to do to you and build up against you will break and crumble with God on your side! Enough is enough! Draw the line!
Think about it.
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