I get to work and have even more things I handle. A desktop computer, work books, an array of cords, different adapters for various machines, projectors, miscellaneous computer parts, and the list goes on.
Everyone has their specific tools for all that we do. A carpenter has a tool belt, a teacher has books to teach from, a mechanic has an entire tool box, etc. Each specific tool of our trade enables us to fulfill what we do on a daily basis; what we have spent time, energy, and even money on doing. Our tools aid us in operating in our particular field in which we spend our 40 hours a week.
So what's the point of all this tool-talk here? Am I trying to be the next Bob Vila? No. What I'm going to do is show us some other tools of a trade... His trade.
The majority of people may think of God and automatically think of the Bible as being the tool of trade. Not wrong, but there's more to it than that.
Ephesians tells us to put on the whole armor of God (Ep. 6:11). It goes on to tell us just what that armor is and what we use it against in verses 13:17(NIV). We don't fight against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil authorities that are unseen. So put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to stand strong in battle. After you've done everything you can, stand your ground. Stand with the belt of truth, body armor of right living, shoes of peace from God's Word so you're fully prepared. Then grab the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.
You see preachers are not the only ones that have to fight against the enemy and use the Word of God to do so. We all have battles. Everyday. Sometimes we may feel like we can't make it, like we should just give up, throw in the towel, quit; asking questions like, "What's the point?" or "Who cares?"
Do not give in to the lies of the enemy! God's Word is telling you to go forward, there is hope, and you have what it takes to make it. The words above are written in red to show that those words are coming directly from the Word of God. You do have what it takes, you can make it, and you will get through!
This is our true trade; His trade. These are the tools for it... truth, righteousness, peace from God's Word to prepare us, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. These tools will never fail us. They'll never get old and worn out. They'll never crash, lose data, or break.
Now I ask, how prepared are you? Do you have truth? Do you have the peace from God's Word? Do you read your Bible? When you begin your preparation for the battle of life, make sure you have your proper tools. Dive deep into God's Word. Being prepared makes a world of difference. Try out II Timothy 2:15 (AKJV) Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Don't quit. Don't give up. You can make it. God handed you the tools to get through it. Are you using the tools of His trade?
Think about it.
I think this is really awesome, and so weird but really cool that we both were thinking about the same thing today without even knowing what each other was thinking. I love you and your messages
awesome and inspiring message and blog, brother. this must be enough to spread God's words for the healing of our land's illnesses. Everyone must have his eyes open to everyone's needs. Loving them is loving God. Thank you big J. God bless you and your blog!
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