To all readers: in case you did not know, I have moved my blogging to a different site.
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Thank you and God bless.
A Dedicated Life
I'm a common man, but I serve an uncommon God. This site is my personal blog of which my focus is to share God's Word, my experiences, and testimony with you. I have found that living a dedicated life to Jesus Christ is the most rewarding and fulfilling life anyone could ever have. My goal to you, dear readers, is to frequently update this site and perhaps somehow reach out and relate to your real-life situations.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Keep Your Focus

I have been thinking about the word focus for a few days now. There are so many things going on in my life, sometimes it's hard to remember why I do what I do. My wife and I are in the middle of a big transition. Moving is hard, but moving out of state is even worse. I'm surrounded by boxes, I have to get things done before a certain date, must get the Penske truck, got to take those bags in the office to Goodwill for a donation, have to schedule a shut-off date for utilities, etc.
I feel like my life is in the middle of a whirl-wind and I cannot do anything to stop it; but if I ever forget why I'm doing all this, trouble awaits me.
We're moving to a new city, well, new for me anyway. My wife was born and raised in Walnut but it's all new to me. We're not going for jobs, friends, or anything like that, but we are going to help the church, be leaders, and walk through the door that God has opened for us.
How easy would it be to lose my focus right now?! So much is going on each day and I forget to brush my teeth some days... I know, gross!
The opening to this post is a Scripture from Hebrews. I read that today and it just hit me like a ton of bricks! Most of us know the Scripture in the KJV version: "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (He. 12:2 KJV).
What that means is to look to Jesus. He has been where you and I are right now... and He finished the race! Jesus was on this earth for a reason; "... to seek and to save that which was lost (Lu. 19:10).
Jesus kept His focus. He knew what He was put on earth to do and He did it. I would say Jesus had a lot of distractions while on earth. If you study the life of Jesus, you'll find that there were many times that He could have given up. However, Jesus kept His focus and did not let anything stop Him from finishing His mission on earth.
We must look unto Jesus! He knows what you're going through... He's been there. He knows your pain, He knows how you feel and what questions you have. Jesus knows.
When you feel like giving up, just look to Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and what He has for your life.
In my life, there are many things that try to distract me. Right now there are so many things that could take my focus off of my real purpose; but every time I feel that way, I look to my Jesus.
I was reminded today of something my mother said a few years ago while I was going through a battle in my life. "We have to remember why we're really here." We must stay focused on what we are here to do. Keep on going! Don't slack off of your prayer life! Keep pressing on! God knows and He has a plan for you! Keep your eyes fixed on Him and let Him guide you!
Don't lose your focus!
Think about it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Made to Worship

I am all about missions work! I support world-wide missions through my local church. There are so many missionaries out there, some even putting their own lives on the line to preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have talked to several missionaries about how they got started, how it is for them in these foreign countries, what barriers they encounter, how long it took to learn the language of the country in which they now reside, etc. I love talking to men and women of God and just picking their brain... can't you tell?
One missionary in particular that stands out and that has my attention a little more than others is Bro. Tony Adams, a missionary to Krakow, Poland. He has such a strong desire and burden for the people in that country. Talking with him, I have felt his burden and gained some insight to missionary life as well. A great man of God indeed.
Bro. Adams and I have messaged on Twitter and Facebook several times. I remember one conversation in particular that was entirely in Polish. I learned the language at a previous job and I feel a strong desire and burden in my heart to go to that country one day.
I've talked with several other missionaries around this world. There are so many different countries out there that need men of God like Bro. Adams to have the discipline to learn about a particular country and the courage to go out there and do a work. Missionaries inspire me greatly! I'm sure there's a ton of things that come with being a preacher in a foreign land... the language barrier alone could be a long and brutal process to overcome.
Think about this: no matter what country, no matter the language or dialect, there is one word that is the same all around the world.
Each nation has its own language. Some countries around the world have several different dialects for just one language! It can get confusing I'm sure, but there is still one word that remains the same for all. The one word that is the same for an American, Russian, Polish, or Italian... Want to know what it is??? Let me tell you...
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard" (Ps. 19:1-3).
Hallelujah is the one word that is the same in every nation. Specifically, the one word that everyone can say, despite their predominant language is a praise unto God. Anyone can praise the LORD. Everyone can lift up His name! It doesn't matter where you are, your praise is still heard!
My associate pastor, Bro. Erickson, told of a time that he was in Chile. In the service, the audience began chanting, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" in their native tongue. They had to have a translator for the preaching because their languages were different. Associate Pastor Nate Whitley in Knoxville, TN was preaching in Africa... he too had to have a translator. BUT ONE WORD IS THE SAME!
A praise to Jesus Christ is the same no matter where you are. No matter what language you speak or where you are in this world, you can praise God.
It's really something how the one word we can all say, the one thing we can all do despite our background or language is to praise God. It seems like we were all made to praise the name of Jesus.
"There is none like thee, O LORD; neither are there any works like unto thy works. All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O LORD; and shall glorify thy name" (Ps. 86:8-9).
Yep.... It sure sounds to me like we were all made for worship. The Scripture I used earlier in Psalms 19 shares more later in the chapter. The Message Bible puts it this way: "The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together" (Ps. 19:7).
We were all made to worship. The glory of God draws us all together, to unite and praise our God as we were intended to do from the beginning.
Like the lyrics to a song by Chris Tomlin; "You and I were made to worship..."
Think about it.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Carry the Weight

Before the evening service, I was in the prayer room. I heard the voice of my pastor and associate pastor as I always do. These two men are incredible prayer warriors and their voice exceeds everyone else in the prayer room. I also heard a few others that were a little louder than the general hum of voices. I began thinking about how these people seem to carry the tone of our prayer room every single time before service.
Someone is always taking the lead and stepping up to the plate. Spiritually, someone has to carry the load, the burden, and the drive that will excel the church forward. So many of us seem to think that it's our pastor's job to do this. True, our pastor is the leader of our church, but we all should take the initiative to propel our church forward.
Think about this: what if those voices that override everyone else in the prayer room weren't there anymore? What if the fanatical praisers and leaders in worship didn't exist? Would the prayer room become silent? Would the praise die down? Would the songs cease?
The future of ourselves and our church belong to us! It is up to each one of us individually to carry the load and to see the vision of what God has in store.
Purpose to be the one who carries the load. Whether you have a large church or not, there is always someone that has to step up, be a leader, carry the weight, etc. Why not you? If everyone has the idea, "Someone else will do it..." then nothing will be done at all. Never dismiss a biblical command or an opportunity to do something for God by making something you're "not called to do."
We are all called to win souls, to share this gospel truth, to help our church, to get behind our pastor and support his vision.
It's time we step up and do more. Purpose in your heart to carry the load. Step out and be the one who makes a difference. If we all do that, think of what we can accomplish! Isaiah talks about the LORD looking for someone to send, asking, "...who will go for us. Then I said, here am I; send me (Is. 6:8).
Think about it.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Why We Live

Everyday I get up and do the same thing. I even talked about this a little in a previous post, "Tools of the Trade". I get up, grab my favorite large cup and pour the auto-brewed coffee. Take a sip and off to the study I go. I pray, study God's Word, finish getting ready, and go to work. That's basically my morning routine.
Now, as you may know from my last post, my wife and I are moving. It was really something how it worked out. I even asked God if it was really His will for us to move to take away my job. To be completely transparent, I was reluctant to say that. I really liked my job and it's probably the best one I've ever had. Well, I went in the next day and was given a final working date. In other words, I was laid off. My last day went from the 21st, to the 15th, and then to, "Hey your last day is tomorrow".
I really had mixed emotions. I just lost the best job I'd ever had, but at the same time, I was being shown God's will for my life and reassured to go ahead with a move. In a sense, I felt like I lost my reason for my morning routine. Then I about slapped myself...
Sure coffee, work, school, and daily things we do are why we get out of bed each day, but is that really why we live? I almost slapped myself because the answer is a big NO.
I still get up every morning, grab the coffee and come into my study. My prayer life, my devotions, my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ is the reason I live.
Like I said, I felt mixed emotions about losing my job. I was a little hurt by the way things turned out with a few people, I was excited to do what God wants, I was dreading the move and all the packing, and I really didn't know what was going to happen next. Ever felt that way?
The point is, I lost my job, not my reason for living. The reason I get up every single day is to live that given day to God Almighty! It should be the reason we get up whether we have a job, go to school, or not. Jesus should be the reason we live. I'm reminded of that song that says, "He's the only reason I live, but oh what a reason!"
There's nothing that this world can offer you that even comes close in comparing to Jesus. This world will leave you lonely, empty, and wanting more; but Jesus will always be with you, always give you what you need, and never leave you wanting.
Your real reason for living should not be found in your job, school, or friends. What kind of purpose do you have? Why are you getting up every day and going to work? What are you living for? If your answer is anything other than Jesus, it's probably hard to get up and be motivated to go and to do.
I remember when I was young and starting to date; I would say things to my 'girlfriends' like, "You're the only reason I live." Besides being 15 and not knowing what in the world I was talking about, I was saying something that shouldn't really be said. The reason we live should not be anyone or anything. Sure, I live to take care of my wife and family, but the ultimate reason to live is Jesus.
What is your reason for living?
Think about it.
Friday, June 10, 2011
My Study

Last night, I was reminded of when we first moved in to our first place as a married couple. We have a spare room that I made into a 'man cave'. A few days afterward, it was filled with all sorts of my wife's belongings... Anyway, I made this room my study or office of sorts. In this room is my desk, computer, Bible, notes, books, etc. I have made this room my prayer and study room which I visit on a daily basis. I guess you could say I have made my study my altar.
The LORD began speaking to my heart last night as I was going through this room. Seeing all the clothes, boxes, and miscellaneous things laying around makes it look chaotic in here; but in the midst of the mass confusion that is in this room, I made my way to my altar.
The Bible says, "Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (II Ti. 2:15). The Message Bible puts it this way, "Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple".
Could it be that the studying part is the prayer, fasting, and dedication that comes with a life of consecration to God? I have made my study my place of prayer and devotion, so this scripture comes to a new life to me. My 'study' is my dedicated life.
A life that is filled with prayer, fasting, dedication, and sacrifice will be the most rewarding life anyone could ever live. In our 'study' we show ourselves approved. Whether our study be beside a chair, bed, couch or whatever else, we must show ourselves approved unto God.
I've made my study my personal place of dedication. Where is yours? A study is not a fun place to the flesh... trust me. I wake up and go directly to the coffee pot that has been set on auto-brew to wake myself up, then make my way to my study. It takes extreme discipline on my part because I am in no way a morning person. Like I said, a study is never fun or appealing to the flesh, but it is most rewarding to the spirit. A dedicated life... it takes a study.
Think about it.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Taking Jesus to All
I was reminded of an encounter I had with a homeless man not too long ago... He was sitting on a curb playing the harmonica around Market Square in Knoxville. He would talk to people as they went by. I told my wife we should get him some food and maybe talk to him a bit... When we passed by the spot again, I had forgotten about the food and didn't have time to go back and get some... again, I was angry at myself.
Last story: My friend from Texas experienced a similar situation, only he actually did something. Pulling up to a red light, Lee saw a homeless man on the side of road. He got out of his car, and sat beside the man. Lee talked to him about Jesus and shared with him the Word of God, gave the man some money for food and after a little while longer, left and went on his way.
Oh how I wish I would have been like Lee!
You see, the gospel is for everyone. God promised the Holy Ghost to all... "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off... (Acts 2:39). Just because we have it, doesn't mean we should keep it to ourselves.
I kick myself when I think about how I let those opportunities pass by and how I didn't do more. Who am I to withhold the news of Jesus to myself?
These situations lead me to ask this question: how far will you go to reach a complete stranger? What are you willing to do for someone you don't even know? Matthew says to ...go into all the world and teach all nations... (Mt. 28:19). All nations would cover everyone in the world, wouldn't you say?

People pass by strangers without so much as a nod or even a smile. There are lost and dying people out there in our world... what are we doing about it?!? We should be taking Jesus to everyone around us, showing people His Word, telling them that there is hope, healing, and salvation! We should share this gospel!
People pass by strangers without so much as a nod or even a smile. There are lost and dying people out there in our world... what are we doing about it?!? We should be taking Jesus to everyone around us, showing people His Word, telling them that there is hope, healing, and salvation! We should share this gospel!
Matthew 25 talks about the King being hungry and receiving food, thirsty and getting a drink, being a stranger and receiving hospitality, naked and being clothed, sick and in prison and having visitors. The righteous ones reply when and how did we do all these things? The answer sums up this whole post: Jesus answered in verse 40 and says, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me (Mt. 25:40).
Can we take that literally? When we pass strangers or homeless people and ignore them, are we doing it to God Himself? I think this is a call to do more, to reach out to people no matter who they are or what they look like.
Hebrews says it like this: "Don't forget to show hospitality to people you don't know. By doing this, some have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it (He. 13:2). Could we be entertaining angels when we talk to a stranger? How about that man or woman on the street corner? Is this a test to see what you will do for someone you don't even know? If we don't share the gospel with our world, our city, our street... who will?
I ask again; what are you willing to do for a complete stranger? How far outside your comfort zone will you go? The gospel is for everyone... will you share it with those around you?
Think about it.
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