Before the evening service, I was in the prayer room. I heard the voice of my pastor and associate pastor as I always do. These two men are incredible prayer warriors and their voice exceeds everyone else in the prayer room. I also heard a few others that were a little louder than the general hum of voices. I began thinking about how these people seem to carry the tone of our prayer room every single time before service.
Someone is always taking the lead and stepping up to the plate. Spiritually, someone has to carry the load, the burden, and the drive that will excel the church forward. So many of us seem to think that it's our pastor's job to do this. True, our pastor is the leader of our church, but we all should take the initiative to propel our church forward.
Think about this: what if those voices that override everyone else in the prayer room weren't there anymore? What if the fanatical praisers and leaders in worship didn't exist? Would the prayer room become silent? Would the praise die down? Would the songs cease?
The future of ourselves and our church belong to us! It is up to each one of us individually to carry the load and to see the vision of what God has in store.
Purpose to be the one who carries the load. Whether you have a large church or not, there is always someone that has to step up, be a leader, carry the weight, etc. Why not you? If everyone has the idea, "Someone else will do it..." then nothing will be done at all. Never dismiss a biblical command or an opportunity to do something for God by making something you're "not called to do."
We are all called to win souls, to share this gospel truth, to help our church, to get behind our pastor and support his vision.
It's time we step up and do more. Purpose in your heart to carry the load. Step out and be the one who makes a difference. If we all do that, think of what we can accomplish! Isaiah talks about the LORD looking for someone to send, asking, "...who will go for us. Then I said, here am I; send me (Is. 6:8).
Think about it.
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