I was reminded of an encounter I had with a homeless man not too long ago... He was sitting on a curb playing the harmonica around Market Square in Knoxville. He would talk to people as they went by. I told my wife we should get him some food and maybe talk to him a bit... When we passed by the spot again, I had forgotten about the food and didn't have time to go back and get some... again, I was angry at myself.
Last story: My friend from Texas experienced a similar situation, only he actually did something. Pulling up to a red light, Lee saw a homeless man on the side of road. He got out of his car, and sat beside the man. Lee talked to him about Jesus and shared with him the Word of God, gave the man some money for food and after a little while longer, left and went on his way.
Oh how I wish I would have been like Lee!
You see, the gospel is for everyone. God promised the Holy Ghost to all... "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off... (Acts 2:39). Just because we have it, doesn't mean we should keep it to ourselves.
I kick myself when I think about how I let those opportunities pass by and how I didn't do more. Who am I to withhold the news of Jesus to myself?
These situations lead me to ask this question: how far will you go to reach a complete stranger? What are you willing to do for someone you don't even know? Matthew says to ...go into all the world and teach all nations... (Mt. 28:19). All nations would cover everyone in the world, wouldn't you say?

People pass by strangers without so much as a nod or even a smile. There are lost and dying people out there in our world... what are we doing about it?!? We should be taking Jesus to everyone around us, showing people His Word, telling them that there is hope, healing, and salvation! We should share this gospel!
People pass by strangers without so much as a nod or even a smile. There are lost and dying people out there in our world... what are we doing about it?!? We should be taking Jesus to everyone around us, showing people His Word, telling them that there is hope, healing, and salvation! We should share this gospel!
Matthew 25 talks about the King being hungry and receiving food, thirsty and getting a drink, being a stranger and receiving hospitality, naked and being clothed, sick and in prison and having visitors. The righteous ones reply when and how did we do all these things? The answer sums up this whole post: Jesus answered in verse 40 and says, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me (Mt. 25:40).
Can we take that literally? When we pass strangers or homeless people and ignore them, are we doing it to God Himself? I think this is a call to do more, to reach out to people no matter who they are or what they look like.
Hebrews says it like this: "Don't forget to show hospitality to people you don't know. By doing this, some have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it (He. 13:2). Could we be entertaining angels when we talk to a stranger? How about that man or woman on the street corner? Is this a test to see what you will do for someone you don't even know? If we don't share the gospel with our world, our city, our street... who will?
I ask again; what are you willing to do for a complete stranger? How far outside your comfort zone will you go? The gospel is for everyone... will you share it with those around you?
Think about it.
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