Everyday I get up and do the same thing. I even talked about this a little in a previous post, "Tools of the Trade". I get up, grab my favorite large cup and pour the auto-brewed coffee. Take a sip and off to the study I go. I pray, study God's Word, finish getting ready, and go to work. That's basically my morning routine.
Now, as you may know from my last post, my wife and I are moving. It was really something how it worked out. I even asked God if it was really His will for us to move to take away my job. To be completely transparent, I was reluctant to say that. I really liked my job and it's probably the best one I've ever had. Well, I went in the next day and was given a final working date. In other words, I was laid off. My last day went from the 21st, to the 15th, and then to, "Hey your last day is tomorrow".
I really had mixed emotions. I just lost the best job I'd ever had, but at the same time, I was being shown God's will for my life and reassured to go ahead with a move. In a sense, I felt like I lost my reason for my morning routine. Then I about slapped myself...
Sure coffee, work, school, and daily things we do are why we get out of bed each day, but is that really why we live? I almost slapped myself because the answer is a big NO.
I still get up every morning, grab the coffee and come into my study. My prayer life, my devotions, my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ is the reason I live.
Like I said, I felt mixed emotions about losing my job. I was a little hurt by the way things turned out with a few people, I was excited to do what God wants, I was dreading the move and all the packing, and I really didn't know what was going to happen next. Ever felt that way?
The point is, I lost my job, not my reason for living. The reason I get up every single day is to live that given day to God Almighty! It should be the reason we get up whether we have a job, go to school, or not. Jesus should be the reason we live. I'm reminded of that song that says, "He's the only reason I live, but oh what a reason!"
There's nothing that this world can offer you that even comes close in comparing to Jesus. This world will leave you lonely, empty, and wanting more; but Jesus will always be with you, always give you what you need, and never leave you wanting.
Your real reason for living should not be found in your job, school, or friends. What kind of purpose do you have? Why are you getting up every day and going to work? What are you living for? If your answer is anything other than Jesus, it's probably hard to get up and be motivated to go and to do.
I remember when I was young and starting to date; I would say things to my 'girlfriends' like, "You're the only reason I live." Besides being 15 and not knowing what in the world I was talking about, I was saying something that shouldn't really be said. The reason we live should not be anyone or anything. Sure, I live to take care of my wife and family, but the ultimate reason to live is Jesus.
What is your reason for living?
Think about it.
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