Last night, I was reminded of when we first moved in to our first place as a married couple. We have a spare room that I made into a 'man cave'. A few days afterward, it was filled with all sorts of my wife's belongings... Anyway, I made this room my study or office of sorts. In this room is my desk, computer, Bible, notes, books, etc. I have made this room my prayer and study room which I visit on a daily basis. I guess you could say I have made my study my altar.
The LORD began speaking to my heart last night as I was going through this room. Seeing all the clothes, boxes, and miscellaneous things laying around makes it look chaotic in here; but in the midst of the mass confusion that is in this room, I made my way to my altar.
The Bible says, "Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (II Ti. 2:15). The Message Bible puts it this way, "Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple".
Could it be that the studying part is the prayer, fasting, and dedication that comes with a life of consecration to God? I have made my study my place of prayer and devotion, so this scripture comes to a new life to me. My 'study' is my dedicated life.
A life that is filled with prayer, fasting, dedication, and sacrifice will be the most rewarding life anyone could ever live. In our 'study' we show ourselves approved. Whether our study be beside a chair, bed, couch or whatever else, we must show ourselves approved unto God.
I've made my study my personal place of dedication. Where is yours? A study is not a fun place to the flesh... trust me. I wake up and go directly to the coffee pot that has been set on auto-brew to wake myself up, then make my way to my study. It takes extreme discipline on my part because I am in no way a morning person. Like I said, a study is never fun or appealing to the flesh, but it is most rewarding to the spirit. A dedicated life... it takes a study.
Think about it.
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