I have been thinking about the word focus for a few days now. There are so many things going on in my life, sometimes it's hard to remember why I do what I do. My wife and I are in the middle of a big transition. Moving is hard, but moving out of state is even worse. I'm surrounded by boxes, I have to get things done before a certain date, must get the Penske truck, got to take those bags in the office to Goodwill for a donation, have to schedule a shut-off date for utilities, etc.
I feel like my life is in the middle of a whirl-wind and I cannot do anything to stop it; but if I ever forget why I'm doing all this, trouble awaits me.
We're moving to a new city, well, new for me anyway. My wife was born and raised in Walnut but it's all new to me. We're not going for jobs, friends, or anything like that, but we are going to help the church, be leaders, and walk through the door that God has opened for us.
How easy would it be to lose my focus right now?! So much is going on each day and I forget to brush my teeth some days... I know, gross!
The opening to this post is a Scripture from Hebrews. I read that today and it just hit me like a ton of bricks! Most of us know the Scripture in the KJV version: "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (He. 12:2 KJV).
What that means is to look to Jesus. He has been where you and I are right now... and He finished the race! Jesus was on this earth for a reason; "... to seek and to save that which was lost (Lu. 19:10).
Jesus kept His focus. He knew what He was put on earth to do and He did it. I would say Jesus had a lot of distractions while on earth. If you study the life of Jesus, you'll find that there were many times that He could have given up. However, Jesus kept His focus and did not let anything stop Him from finishing His mission on earth.
We must look unto Jesus! He knows what you're going through... He's been there. He knows your pain, He knows how you feel and what questions you have. Jesus knows.
When you feel like giving up, just look to Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and what He has for your life.
In my life, there are many things that try to distract me. Right now there are so many things that could take my focus off of my real purpose; but every time I feel that way, I look to my Jesus.
I was reminded today of something my mother said a few years ago while I was going through a battle in my life. "We have to remember why we're really here." We must stay focused on what we are here to do. Keep on going! Don't slack off of your prayer life! Keep pressing on! God knows and He has a plan for you! Keep your eyes fixed on Him and let Him guide you!
Don't lose your focus!
Think about it.